Vote or and comment if you love steemit

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Vote or comment if you love #Steemit

I have been in steemit a few days now and I am absolutely loving it :) are you ? tell
me about your experiences, your thoughts and feelings

You just posted this to get some steem!

The honest answer to that is absolutely yes I am trying to be creative and garner some steem so my votes can count a bit more, I really dont like upvoting to still see a fat zero after my vote lol but I also truly would like to know everyones thoughts, personally Im hooked, I would love for a whale or two to notice my posts but to be honest Im not sure I will ever be that lucky besides for me 300 - 600 votes would mean more than 2 or 3 big ones :)

So there you have it I love #steemit and I am hooked how about you ?
Vote or comment below and lets have some fun :)

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This post is garbage. Stop begging for steem and contribute something to the site instead of being a greedy little shit. This isn't creative, this is begging.

actually I am just having some fun I didnt say anyone must vote did I ? ....I said vote or comment :) have a lovely day bud

<3 SteemIt! <3