RE: How I felt as a new Steem joiner

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How I felt as a new Steem joiner

in steemit •  8 years ago 

I didn't get that feeling until I realised what a scam this place is, the only source of revenue is members buying more power, the value of steem power is artificially inflated to make it look like we are all making money, we are all greedy and want to make money but we are the only source of money so somebody (most of us) will have to lose.

Imagine what is going to happen in two years (assuming this enterprise hasn't failed in the meantime) a hell of a lot of people would have powered down within days of joining once they realise they are not going to get rich, where is the money gonna come from to pay them all out?

The beauty of the scam is those that have invested lots will go into denial a continue to talk the site up to save face while the people running the place are taking real money from us in exchange for something that is unlikely to be worth anything soon.


We've been conned, well and truly.

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Yes, it is all a delightful scam that provides us with a sense of purpose and value in this otherwise dreary existence. Most things are this kind of scam, even the cute girl that just caught your eye. Reality becomes what you make it, from your hopes and dreams. That cute girl could become a valued wife or a divorced ex. The difference is what you put into the relationship. It seems most people on steemit today are having puppy love enthusiasm and end up pissing all over the floor with excitement. Pissy posts outnumber quality ones, and that will reduce the number of people unknowingly scammed.

Last cute girl that caught my eye stole my wallet.

I somehow agree with you...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

 One should only use the word "scam" when one can prove dishonest intentions of the founders.  Please tell us what proof you have got.

@dan has expressed it perfectly in this post:

The property of a “scam” is not something intrinsic to a platform such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Steem. A platform is merely a set of software rules and a community of users who perceive value in those rules. Software keeps things honest.
Only people can be dishonest. Intentionally misrepresenting and slandering other platforms while spreading FUD is the biggest scam being perpetrated by in the cryptocurrency industry. It is time that people stop spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt and instead stick to the facts and reason.
It is perfectly reasonable to speculate that the price will go up or down in the future. It is also reasonable to question the economic game theory and stability behind a platform. What is not reasonable is to speculate on the intentions of others or to imply that there is something dishonest or fraudulent when everything is open and transparent

I can use the word 'scam' however I wish. I am sharing my opinion. Isn't concealing the fact that you cannot cash out for two years somewhat less than honest and upfront, Isn't the whole Steem Dollar thing a little deceptive? No?

Let me put it another way:

It is my opinion that Steemit is yet another scheme to part the gullible from their money.

I have no motivation other than to make people aware that this looks and feels like an obvious scam to me. If I'm wrong, I win 'cos I'll be rich like the rest of you. If I'm correct I win 'cos I have not invested a cent of real money here.

There will be losers...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)
I can use the word 'scam' however I wish. I am sharing my opinion.

No, you are not just sharing your opinion. You are intentionally misusing words to confuse other people, which qualifies as an act of abuse.

Isn't concealing the fact that you cannot cash out for two years somewhat less than honest and upfront.

How is this fact concealed, when it's clearly described in the whitepaper? You are spreading outright lies.

Isn't the whole Steem Dollar thing a little deceptive? No?

How is Steem Dollar deceptive? Please be more specific when you make an accusation like this.

It is my opinion that Steemit is yet another scheme to part the gullible from their money.

That's the thing - you offer your "opinion" but no shred of evidence to justify it. And this is the actual scam happening in crypto-world: people behaving shamelessly like you.

Nobody says Steem will survive. It's a social and economic experiment which has never been tried before and everyone is welcome to join it and take both the benefit and the risk associated with it. But accusing people behind such an enterprise of dishonest intentions, while offering no proof for it, is a manipulative act of abuse.

Opinion does not require evidence.

I'm saying it looks and smells like a scam to me. Most normal people don't read the white paper and the steem dollar is just an IOU from the site because it does not want to pay in a real cryptocurrency.

@therealnivok , again you are spreading misinformation. Steem dollar is not an IOU from any third-party. It's fully backed by Steem.
And as you fail to provide a definition of "real cryptocurrency", your opinion is meaningless.