Huston We Have A Problem!!!!

in steemit •  7 years ago 



I have seen a few people talk about getting flagged in retaliation to a LEGITIMATE FLAGGING EVENT! (L.F.E.) Now when I first started doing steemit, I did see the potential for this action of flagging get way out of hand! The fact that human nature is always involved with everything we do, Because we are all humans here... I think anyways, if not let me know and I would like to talk to you about where you are from. OK, were was I, oh ya Flagging a person cause their actions will effect the quality of Steemit itself, this is what the creators i'm sure intended the flagging system to be used for. If a person using Steemit is a troll, or spamian we as a community have the power to say NO! Stop doing that!



This of course pretty much only works in theory, it has been my experience that humans will misuse anything you give them access to. As more and more people join Steemit, you will end up getting some that were not taught to act right. They have many misconception on social interaction, and life in general. They are ignorant to certain things, usually cause they have been taught wrong or some traumatic event set their mind to believe that their way is right. The sheer number of different personalities that are on Steemit at the moment is going to create some level of conflict, there is no way around it (HUMAN NATURE!) Just wait till we have as many users as Facebook, there are going to be little online war zones! I believe the witnesses will have their work cut out for them at that point, and the ones that are here now are going to have to keep a level head and help if we want the quality of Steemit to remain. We all decide the fate of Steemit if you really stop and think of it, we see what this place has to offer and it is GOOD!

Only Together!

We are all interconnected and must realize this here and now! Those of us that want to make Steemit the best Social Media site that ever existed, must come TOGETHER and protect what we love about Steemit. If we fail to act it will become the negative, low quality garbage that is Facebook, just my opinion about FB! I know that FB has some good qualities, but I believe they are dwarfed by the bad. That is because no one has a real voice there, they can't make actual changes that effect the group. On Steemit that is not the case, WE HAVE THE POWER! to change and adapt to every aspect that comes our way! I have come to LOVE this place very much and want to do what ever I can to protect what it stands for, of course that is what it stands for in my mind, but not everyone's mind. I have found allot of like minded individuals here all ready and I am only going on a month. So I know those that read this probably believe as I do. If we work together we can find a way to solve the flag problem, I don't know what that is at the moment but I believe in all of you to help find a solution! Well that's all I got to say about that, hope we can figure this out and have a wonderful day!

Sincerely : @Tiandao (Heavens Blade) HB1.png

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good luck with that..

Stanford prison experiment

I know humans and most of them suck. Given power to silence opposing views, most will.
I know this, if the BS on here doesn't stop with whales being the guards, I will take up a huge effort to destroy this Steemit brand, cause it is really out of hand and the whales, and founders of Steemit aren't doing anything about it. So if they want it to just run it's course, I'm good with that.

I have more power and influence OUTSIDE of this platform than in it :)
Time for them to pull their heads out of their 4 point of contacts and fix it!

Re steeming

Good thoughts tho.


I don't think that's what the prison experiment showed us exactly. It was more a proof that people take on their given roles without a second thought.

Well that would imply that the role of A CO in a prison is to abuse humans and their power. I am more of the stance that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Only the truly strong have the ability to see it, call it out, and defend against it. I have not seen ONE whale do so. Not a one.

You are right about that association of a CO's job being to abuse. That's the fucked up thing about it. Their job is to punish. Punishment is not effective when dealing with most people, especially the mentally disturbed. If we had a functional prison system, it would serve the function of promoting stable and functional mental health, not punishment for the sake of punishment.

I have not been on Steemit long enough to see exactly what it is that you are talking about, at the moment I am loving Steemit. I enjoy the conversations I have here, and the people are very kind. I am sorry it took me so long to reply I could not get to my computer to save my life yesterday, I do hear what you are saying and would like to know what is happening for you on steemit. Could you explain maybe in a reply or a post what it is that is going on to upset you this way?

It's an interesting question. I'm not a Libertarian, but I can relate with certain facets of libertarian thinking as it relates to cryptocoin. Morals were naturally selected into existence. That seems to be a common agreeable point among Libertarians. Here's the only problem I see: if natural selection or the invisible hand created it, we can engineer better. To let the invisible hand take on all responsibility is to deny that we have a strength in artificial selection and genetic engineering rather than letting nature take it's course. That being said, even science must submit to the logical process of natural selection as we test every idea and see what visions thrive to bring us new discovery.

So, unlike pure libertarians, I say we need policy and restraint over the things that we know will cause harm. As that applies to flagging, the harm that is worth avoiding is denying niche opinions from being exposed to the public. We need an etiquette that allows for a respectful moron promoting genocide to make their case without being flagged just because their opinion is disagreeable or even violent.

On the bright side, look at what we have here in this community, where such policy for flagging is put through it's own process of natural selection. You should all be relieved as long as the topic is open for discussion. You should be happy that people are debating the line with civility. Do you honestly have anything to worry about given the integrity of these who are the current devs and whales of Steem? If you did, the only sure resolution would be to start your own vision of what this should be and make it a more functional reality than what Steem is becoming. IOW, it's not to say that if you don't like it then you should get out. What I mean is that you should start your own thing when you are convinced that the powers that be can't be reasoned with. Until then, let's keep debating where the line of flagging should be, as we are all seeking to discover it with certainty.

I really like the point you made, I have learned the hard way as well, that if I am doing something that is causing myself just an unbearable amount of grief I have to walk away. It happened recently with my job, I could no longer take it. No matter how much I tried to let it go, I could no longer deal with that job. I do believe in the debate, to talk out problems and work together to solve them! I do not need the approval of whales on this site to make it here, I say that not to be combative towards them, but it seems that is what allot of people want here. I will enjoy myself doing this no matter what, I enjoy sharing and expressing myself. Thank you for your reply.