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Thanks, learned something new today about steemit

Great Post thank you! I mean if you do that what you love, the success will come by it self! This is the evolution from a fish to a whale

True, do what you love and you will attract love.

@timsaid They also say that if you are doing what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.
full $teem ahead!

I want to go full Steem. Hope the community accepts me

Yes. We all need a reminder like this now and then. If you look for good quality original content you will find plenty tho. But don't hesitate to upvote it just because the whales didn't

I try to help where I can :)

really I am very grateful for your shared experience was somewhat disappointed I have done a great job on this platform and I have not received but some cents but your message has motivated me to go ahead thank you @timsaid

Thank you very much for this feedback! It really makes me happy to see help others :)

This is a brilliant post. I fear it might just wash away in the waves of mediocrity. Anyone new to this platform would do well to read this post though. Twice.

Oh condra,

your words are motivating me. I wrote this post to relief others and give them reason to not stop creating work. I really hope more people will this! Maybe this will get more attention. Maybe not. I don't think reposting it a different time is good. People don't like reposts. But seriously to me this post is not to earn $$$ it is to help. So I might consider to repost and tell people to only read? Any suggestions? :)

repost it is a good post I believe what u said people should try, and be them self, and don't try to copy the whales, or others, I won't leave, I'm not motivated by money, like I said I been here for 3 weeks u know what I'm worth here $14 not forgetting ten is given when u sign up, but the message I'm sending is worth more then what steemit or anyone else can offer, no money in the world can buy my believe, I'm just using the platform, for that, if it earns anything that's a bonus if not it's still a bonus.

The best what we can earn is experience :)


and do not overeSteemate yourself

Nice one! :) And it's true

Thanks for posting this, it's very insightful. I think a lot of people have this mentality that you will only make money if you get attention from whales, but I think a lot of it depends on the time you post, the post's exposure to the community, and the post's quality.

Be your own kind of best. :)

My words voltarius,

I totally agree. Happy postings! :)

That's all a lie I been in steemit for nearly 3 weeks, I don't see no changes things are actually becoming worse, when I started 4 votes would earn u something now not even six will earn, you something, I believe, this is centerlised system, only the rich profit and those that are willing to make the top one percent richer, can benefit, I don't see this working in a long term, for the majority, when the fish get fished. They won't be any fish remaining, maybe a few, and the whales will begin to disappear that's what I see.

I can't agree to this. Fish don't get fished because we don't pay for Steemit. We actually can earn here. Sure it's getting harder since more people are signing up but it't not a lie in my eyes :) Just don't give up or you lost

I think so there will be someone who will create something similar or even better, and before you know it all the little fish like me will run as fast as we can, I came here loving and believing steemit after 3 weeks I learned a lot, and seen changes that are only getting worse as time go buy and I'm talking about the small fish or what u would call low class, like me and the middle class are filling the heat to.

I really hope you will find your love and passion for Steemit again. It's still a great place. Sure there a some things that needs improvement. But it's been working on

I'm going to just be another fish, and reply to this post with a short comment.

I hope one day you will become a dolphin


Thank you :)