Hello dear Steemmias, despite being in my beginnings and with little knowledge on this platform I want to dedicate this beautiful topic to this great community where every day we relate to a hundred people who in addition to seeking some way to get extra profits, We are also expanding our circle of friends and from where I am sure many will consolidate.
A French poet said that the friends are the relatives we choose, and it is true that nothing is so comforting, so hard, like a friendship based on true affections. But not all the people we met one day can be considered true friends. There are hundreds of occasions in life when a man or a woman can show if they are true friends.
True friendship is disinterested. It may seem to go off in some moments, in which the deal is not as frequent as we would like, but as soon as a difficulty or a problem arises, there is a friend trying to be useful.
We could distinguish in friendship different types, such as friendship between young people, old friendships and new friendships. Also, the friendship between a man and a woman.
The Friendship Among Youth
It always appears under an unprompted appearance. It arises in a fleeting basketball match, in a dance hall, in a presentation. Young people are more willing to join friends because they are more generous, they lead the same life, they have problems in common and they express themselves in the same way. They are joined by the same similar amusements and tutee at the first crossword.
The Old Friendships
The passage of time strengthens the friendly bonds, just as the reserve increases the quality of the wine. If for some reason you stop seeing an old friend, it's always time for you to resume friendship. The occasion can be presented in a random encounter.
So, even if time has marked the friend who is ahead, do not ever tell him that he is very changed. Express the joy that you undoubtedly feel when you see him, and make sure that he does not spend so much time without a new encounter.
Another thing you should do is call your usual friends when you celebrate an event. Call them by phone to invite them, and when to keep the contact.
New Friendships
Despite the current propensity to make new friends, not everyone who crosses our path becomes long-lasting friends. So that we can call friends a simple acquaintance, it will be necessary that he show us and we show him a sincere affection.
If we think of him for a certain party or meeting. If we accept him in our circle of friends. If we give a presentation to third parties selflessly. If we help you in a hurry.
Friendship Between a Man and a Woman
Yes, despite old prejudices, every day it is shown that it is possible and there is friendship between a man and a woman, co-workers or profession, old friends of youth.
When both are single, the thing does not offer criticism and friendship develops freely. But if both are married, or one single, friendship, even if it exists, is contained by the barrier of convenience. This is the case that two friends in such situation can not be called continuously by phone, or go to the movies, or anything that is presented to privacy. However, that affection must be preserved by all means within the correction.