Recently my friend told me about the Russian version of Steemit called Golos and it got me curious to use it so see how it works. Neither my friend nor I, knew what it looks like and how it works, so to find this out was all on me as I'm Russian.
In the very beginning I had some problems registering on it and it took me nearly the whole day to get my phone number confirmed because they try to secure that only real people get an account on the platform. It took me 4 messages and a lot of waiting to get my phone number confirmed and I still have no idea what was the problem.
After the successful registration I found out that Golos looks 95% identical with Steemit, the only small difference is that they already have a Golos chat button on the user's panel which by the click sends to the which is again very similar with the Steemit one, technical support, search and Golos news buttons, which I find very convenient. Another big advantage was an autocorrect function in editor when creating a post.
I made my first post to introduce myself and got around 106 upvotes where 90% were bots and 10% real people and around 5 comments from real people, which is okay because I noticed that there are not too many users, compare to Steemit, using the website at the moment and in a conversation with people found out that those are bots to support newbies.
Website can also be used in English and after some time spending there I even found a few posts in English and German.
I'm very curious to use it and discover it more and more and see if it will expand as did Steemit.

Thanks for reading!