My first week on Steemit, and my advice for you!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey guys,

Welcome to this new weekly series titled Self Portrait. In this series, I will try to talk about a lingering topic which I have been thinking a lot about over the previous week and share it with you. Every post in this series will also be accompanied by a self-portrait of myself since I felt like it would serve as a good photographic challenge.

For this first edition I wanted to share a review of my first week on Steemit including what I wish I knew when I started, what I have learnt and what I hope to do in the future on this platform.

But first...

I wanted to share with you that writing this post was extremely difficult for me. So difficult in fact that it has taken me almost a week since my last post to actually be sitting here actually writing this post. There are many reasons for this, but most of all, I think that I became a little overwhelmed with all the different commitments that I have going on in my life at the moment. I study full time at University, I also work at a Diner every Saturday and Sunday, and finally, I have also been trying to start up a small photography business. Therefore, adding blogging on Steemit everyday made for quite the busy and stressful week. For this reason, I took a week off to catch up on some school work and really have a good think about what I wanted to achieve from this platform. But now, having had that time off, I am ready to commit myself to Steemit again.

What I wish I had known before I started Steemit...

  1. Steemit works! The first thing I wish I had known was that Steemit is not a scam, or a ponzi scheme, but a revolutionary new social media concept which I believe could in many ways be the future of online interaction.
  2. Steemit takes a lot of work! Regardless of if you are posting photos, advice on crypto or even spoken word, its imperative that before you start, you know that to do big things on Steemit, it will take a huge amount of work, time and creativity. This is part of the reason I took time off Steemit this week, as I felt I needed to be sure in myself before I committed myself to this again.
  3. Steemit is addictive! But in a good way. I must say that the sheer joy and pleasure of creating a piece of writing or art for the site, then seeing it make money online and draw people's attention is an amazing and satisfying feeling.
  4. Get onto discord. Just one week into my Steemit experience, I was invited to a discord group where I was able to talk with other motivated Steemit members where we could all share our experience and advice with each other. This really added another dimension to my experience and also helped me find more like minded people on the platform.
  5. Everyone is really nice! The final thing I want to talk about that I did not know before I joined is just how wonderful and kind everyone is on Steemit. From all the encouraging comments on my page to all the new friends I have made on discourse, it is just amazing to see such purity and good ambitions among all you fellow steemers.
  6. After 7 days you cannot edit your post. A pretty self explanatory one, but make sure you're posts are flawless before the 1 week time limit, as once you are paid out for your post, you cannot edit or change it. I learnt this the hard way after I realized I had left some grammatical errors in my first post hahaha :) 

Lingering thoughts from my first week...

  • Be consistent
    • This is something I managed to do throughout my first week, but failed in my second. I believe that to build a base and reputation on this platform when you start, you have to post consistently, every day if you can, to show people that you are serious about the platform.
  • Be organized
    • Part of the reason I did not post in this second week was that I convinced myself that I had to write this one week summary post. However, I got overwhelmed about it and ended up putting myself in a corner. Sooo I think it will be good advice for my future to always be thinking  and planning at least 2-3 blogs ahead so you don't end up getting stuck on one.
  • Be beautiful
    • Like so many things in life, blogging and steemit are very visual, so take great care to use only eye catching beautiful photos for your thumbnail and make sure that your posts look great and are easy to work through.
  • Diversify
    • There are so many incredible platforms under the Steemit umbrella which all work under the same system. Test the waters on more of these platforms and see how you like them. Im sure that one day when Steemit really takes off, having an active account on all these platforms will be super helpful.
      • D.Tube
      • D.Sound
      • Steepshot

And finally...

  • Be Yourself!!!
    • Part of what makes Steemit so amazing is the fact that this is a subjective experience for us all. You can do whatever you want on here, and no one will be entitled to judge you in any way.
    • Its your opportunity to express your own creative freedom through sharing. Make the most of it
      and just be you

My goals for the next week...

In my first post, I outlined my goals for the platform. Now I will outline my goals for the next week or so on the platform, or until the next self portrait series. I hope that sharing this here will encourage me to follow these goals :)

  1. Post a video to
  2. Post some photos to steepshot.
  3. Make atleast 5 blog posts.
  4. Reach level 50 reputation.
  5. Make one more post go viral.

Thank you for reading this far if you have, and sorry that this post was a little different to the more photo based ones. Since there is a lot of writing and almost no pictures, I'm sure this post wont do very well, but regardless, I've had a lot of this on my mind over the past week and it feels damn good to share it :)

Look out for more posts coming soon, 

Much love,


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lol kys

It really amazes me to see people like you so motivated & positive on Steemit. Thanks for the advice! In order to do all the other things in life, I have planned out posting 2 times a week, this works great for me and helps me be consistent. Also, I take my curator job on steemit very seriously by upvoting and commenting daily on the selected posts of my feed (people I follow, like you) and reply to all the comments I get. from time to time I go to interest tags and introduceyourself posts to find new gems as well. I totally agree on the Discord channel impact, I visit the chat daily and it's great for networking!

Thank you so much Jessica! I hope your trip is going well :) You are right, the amount that you post is again completely subjective to your needs, wants and schedule. If anything, I think that its better to post two posts per week every week, than trying to do 1 everyday and then getting overwhelmed and losing motivation on the site :)

Right! Ahhh well got a bad cold so had to cancel my meditation retreat but should be recovering soon enough before kicking off to Spain in a couple of weeks ;)

Yeah, you are right! Steemit has a very positive community dedicated to help others achieve their goals and give you great life advice. A lot of creativity can be exposed on this platform and I plan to expand that so I am not talking just about cryptos and steemit but a variety of topics that I enjoy! :) So that's my goals moving forward.

It seems you are already much more successful than I am since one of your post got you $95, congrats man and keep it up! 47 reputation level was cause of that viral posts you have, right? I am actually on Discord as well. You may want to read one of my newest post on opening my Discord and goals with it:

I am planning to be involved with a few more Steemit discord groups to get myself out there to more people and learn from each other :) Great post and upvoted!

Thats great man! Yeah, I got lucky with that viral post, but sadly its not worth as much as it once was due to the price of steem decreasing. Either way, Im super glad you read through my post and thank you for giving such a thoughful comment. I will check out your post, and I look forward to following where you go with your blogs :)

Good to hear Tristan! :) Hope to see you soon on Discord and thanks for your support as well. I will continue to support your work too whenever possible. Yeah Steem is losing value cause of the bear market we are experiencing in Cryptocurrencies now. Its a shame but a great time to buy more if possible :)