A little bit of ... and a little bit of ....

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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Helloooooo Steemians!! How is or how has this Saturday been treating you?? Well I hope. I have been really busy this week working on projects for a couple of group I belong to. @thedarkhorse's Pay It Forward contest and Steemit Greeters Guild @greetersguild. Both of these are something that I have come to realize are a labor of love. The downside, has been because of my limited time I haven't had much time to work on my own posts. Which then makes me guilty of something I come across daily and kind of don't like. I don't want to be the person who resteems 10+ posts and does maybe a post a week. The reality of it is, that is not what is truly going on. I have a few posts each week that are under @greetersguild. On Wednesdays, I contribute to the Daily Curation Spotlight and on Fridays, I contribute to the Daily Newbie Spotlight. Then starting next Saturday I will begin to start helping out with SGG Motivational Saturdays. This along with Pay It Forward (which if you notice a theme) I seek out new lives and .....oops I seek out new and older Steemians that need some encouragement or the 'spotlight' My favorite thing to say lately is to find the people that have fallen into the muck at the bottom of the Steemit ocean and lift them up to see the light of day so others can notice them. All of my work actually goes hand-in-hand. Each part supports another. The trouble usually is the time it takes to find people that 1) want the help, 2) have good content. There is so much garbage it gets to be very timely in searching.


I am so tired of seeing re-hashed Facebook and YouTube videos (especially without crediting the creator), re-hashed memes, pictures take from the internet without giving credit or anything to go with it. Pictures that people take and simply say "My backyard", blatant plagiarism. Let me pose this question. If an article is written in a different language and you translate it to English does that now make it your work and entitle you to post it as such? Sorry, it's still plagiarism. You didn't do the work, you stole someone else's time and effort for your own benefit. Just because you find something on the internet does not give you free reign to take it and use it as your own. That is why you have to cite your sources. I personally think ,you should add a thanks in there too because without their information your post would not exist. The sad part is prior to the crack down on copyrights of pictures, I gather a ton of inspirational and motivational sayings, quote and memes. They're so old I have no clue where they came from. So, now I make sure that the picture itself has all the author's information on it or I get creative and make my own.


Getting back on track? No I never got on track LOL. I started this posts out as I was starting out a review of movie I saw recently 'Loving, Vincent' well, in typical @tryskele fashion, the brain and passion took over and my writing went way off track and a little soap boxey. I wanted to bring these up plus a couple of other posts that do the same thing @newbieresteemday Minnow Mondays with @amariespeaks and ReadMe from @asapers and @insideoutlet. Both do the same thing I do, bring light to those that need it.


Don't follow someone because they followed you that does not help you in anyway. Follow people that are going to entertain you, provide helpful hints in areas you want to learn, people that motivate you. Be selective. You don't have to follow anyone if you don't want. The more people you follow, the more your feed fills up and the more content you miss. Then you have to start to hunt down the people you really want to hear from. As one of the laws of attraction state, 'Surround yourself with people you want to be like, not people that do nothing for you.' As my dad says 'Have people that are part of the solution not part of the problem' this is actually our family motto.


As always...FEEDBACK is greatly appreciated and wanted I am one of those people that LOVE to interact with people (on Steemit anyway) Just remember a ripple can either fade or turn into a wave...it's your choice which way it goes.

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Newbie Resteem Day

SGG - Steemit Greeters Guild



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It's difficult to find a balance here sometimes. Between judging thedarkhorse's contest, curating for asapers (finding posts to go in the READ me newsletter), keeping an eye out for newbies to send to newbieresteem and greetersguild, upvoting/commenting daily on steemitbloggers' posts and writing my own posts and comments all over the place....geez, now that I've just typed this, I realize why I can't find balance lol

Also, when I first started here, without knowing any better, I automatically followed those who followed me. Big mistake !!! I have no paid attention to my feed in a long time and in fact, I need to do a cull there and start over. Now to find the time...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I do the same thing. My brain says chicken and my fingers are huh? I'll see something good or someone responded and gotta make sure I do.

Don't follow someone because they followed you that does not help you in anyway. Follow people that are going to entertain you, provide helpful hints in areas you want to learn, people that motivate you. Be selective.


So true !! Surround yourself with people you want to be like not that are going to bring you down or use you.

Let them call it CLASS OR PRIDE, it's just being YOURSELF
I remember this quote a brother told me:

No matter the condition of the jungle, a lion can never feed on grass

I hadn't heard that saying before. It's so true.

Definitely, kudos though... I'm impressed and uplifted

Thank you :) @humbledeen

The best portion of the article is quoted below, Wish few more big hearted Steemiens might followed the path then this platform become a much more funnier and happier.

My favorite thing to say lately is to find the people that have fallen into the muck at the bottom of the Steemit ocean and lift them up to see the light of day so others can notice them

I wish I had met you quite some more time earlier, so my Steemit mife could had been better..

All the best for your new endeavor and wish I could be a part of it is a drop in this ocean.

Thank you and Stay blessed.

It took me a little while to find the great support I have. These groups are amazing. If it were easy then everyone would be stinking rich. Did I think I would be further along by now...yes I did. I had to change my thinking Maybe take a break but don't give up. You are the exact reason all of these groups are here.

you are true Hope from here we have a new beginning. lvo Short cuts required but only hard work, Then only the results feel tastier.

I am thinking how to get update on time and how can I involve or contribute.

Thank you.

@angelro the best way to start is just to be interactive. Comments just like you're doing @terminallyill suggests 20 comments a day. I avg less than that probably 10 or so. Mainly because you see how lengthy some of my answers are, I had 3 people I met that started at the same time I did. 1 is not long around he lasted 2 months. The other 2 are doing wonderfully. @fun2learn and @gandhibaba. Each had their own approach one went down to posting weekly the other posts every other day or so.

I know one thing that holds me back a bit is my VP and SP I have not contributed any outside money. @wolfhart talks about the goal of 500 SP before things start to take off. Just be persistent it will take time. You just have to believe you will do it.

@tryskele Thanks for the mention. For new members, it is important to get connected to as many people as steemit is not just about writing quality articles but also connecting with people to find greater success. I started out making many comments as well.

I got your point and for the last one month or so i try my best to have some quality comments every day. Even 10 to 15 many be...but the fact is that those are rarely recognized..So i am disappointed little bit but no regret though...No I am thinking how to change my strategy

And regarding VP and SP, the story is same with me too...Infact I joined steemit till recently i was not even done a research to know what exactly all these which really meant that I wasted around 4-5 months. (The sad part is that time was in favor of me)...Now I realized what is VP, SP etc and my immediate target is 100 SP. hope i could at the earliest.

If you have any idea please share it too...

Thanks a lot and Stay blessed

The commenting is how I test the waters with someone. No response...I don't go back. If I get one I pop in and out say hi and comment. If I can build some sort of rapport I visit them more frequently. Right now I have so many I'm following because I fell in to the stupid trap of following everyone that followed me. If I can stop anyone from doing that ....I would. It makes it so you can't see what is important to you in your feed. Keep the people you follow to an 'elite group' If you look at some of the dolphins and whales they don't have that many they follow. They follow what is important to them. And just following people doesn't help at all. Like @bengy posted the other day he hit 1000 followers yet almost none of them interact with him. I just hit 600 and the same thing. I would rather have 10 followers that talk to me than what I have now. I make a post and GINAbot goes crazy. In one posting 25 new follows in less than 5 mins. It's insane. Hang in there. We'll get you going and keep you motivated. If I can set my mind to do this, then just about anyone can.

You're very welcome and you too!!

Such a nice understanding with comments, number of followers etc. that really makes sense. I think same with may be my case too that I am following too much people that i am unsure what to do or how to.

The feed is important and as you said it is very difficult to come to know when and whether some of our favorite people are posting and missing those sometimes really frustrates too...

Lets grow together and I am ready to folllow if any good guidelines for the growth here..

have a nice day...

You are amazing and truly an asset to the Steemit community! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

Thank you so much:) I am starting to become speechless. I simply do what makes me happy. Right now it's a small solace in my chaotic world. I get to be myself, be frank and honest. I don't have to patronize anyone. As the quote from my dad and my favorite Gandhi quote "Be the change you want to see in the world" It has really given me focus .

I'm just saying, amazing. The above article is true in the history of SGG ;)

Thank you so much @elmicta :) I know I've been behind on visiting you. As you can see it's been a busy week.

@tryskele Nice to see that you still active in the community. Payitforward is really a great program by @thedarkhorse. I have recently started to be interested in @steembasicincome as well since it provides steemit members with a bit of upvotes. Follow the people that can provide you with good info that you need is really wise of you. Looking for good content with reputation rate below 60 can be quite challenging since many could just be upvoting their content even when there isn't much. Cheers for future successes for you with your determination! See you around!

Thank you so much @fun2learn. @steemitbasicincome is very nice. I think I have 5 shares now. Not a lot, but it's noticeable.

I for one appreciate your acknowledgement of my post.
Thank you :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're welcome. I am getting the feeling I have missed something.