The End of Youtube: "Youtube Heroes"

in steemit •  8 years ago 

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Great video man, as I commented on your YouTube Channel, there is a solution to this on the way, see this blog post just created yesterday, a new YouTube based on the Steemit block chain, Called "SteemQ":

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Sounds a lot like steemit, giving more steem to people as they censor people with the flagging setup. lol
Twitter went up for sale today too.

What do you think about Minds . com ?

fist hearing about it. ima check it out now.

Hi, I wrote another article about changes at YouTube. Did you know they actually launched their own social network about 10 days ago? You can check it out here.

Great video. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. UP-VOTED!!

This video is gonna get claimed by studio71.


what a fucking joke, fuck youtube, "fuck em all to death"