5 reasons steemit is better than porn

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Steemit is better than porn in many ways, and this is the list of reasons i have gotten after my years of "research"

  1. No advertisements
    Unlike many porn sites, steemit contains no advertisements, which in return, dont potentially slow down your "studying".

  2. Get paid
    When you go to a pornsite, you dont get paid a penny for beig there, or without losing your dignity. On steemit, you can chose to not get paid, or get paid without losig your dignity, or you can, its up to you.

  3. Not every comment is about the next game
    Have you ever gone to a pornsite and went to the comments to find out who is in it, but just saw a bunch of "Who's ready for the next fallout?"? Well that doesnt have to happen anymore, for here, you can actually have intellectual coversations.

  4. Porn
    This connects to #1, here, you can still find porn, minus the advertisements.

  5. Free
    If you arent getting advertisments on pornsites, odds are, youre paying for it, which on steemit, isnt a problem.

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Porn is still pretty good though

No doubt

Can't believe @klye had two posts on the trending category yesterday, lucky fool

Yeah, i just thought it would be funny to copy him.

If @klye jumped off a bridge would you also jump off a bridge sir unicorn :P

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment