Is steemit really not censored?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Do you ever believe porn will make it to this platform albeit in it's own category. The problem would then be how do you keep it away from children? I'm guessing the community would downvote it to oblivion. Will steemit ever accept that kind of content or do you think a blockchain platform will come out exclusively for adult content?

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I don' t think that adult content will be allowed here ! But if it will be there will some "safe guards " as well.
PS: Aha Bulma when she was 16 in the first adventures of goku.

It's supposed to be decentralized so what would stop people from doing so?

It's already here you can post it all you want just have to tag with NSFW.

Interesting. Thanks for letting us know.

It might be alright as long as it was your own original porn. ;)
Joking- it would likely just get flagged.

Interesting thought. What about simple nudity?... not pornographic.

I did see a post like that a few weeks ago, beautiful pics of women, but it did get downvoted I believe.
An erotic/porn site using this same steemy platform is probably inevitable tho.
Build it, and they will... nevermind

I see where you went there...

ALMOST went!

@_@ I was just contemplating this today, and the idea of erotic literature on Steemit.. But thank you for this lovely sketch of Bulma ;)

I guess as long as there are no images. How far can people go here? What if the nudity is tasteful and somebody posts their modeling photography?

Everything can be inserted in the blockchain, so in that regard there is no censorship possible.

The only question is visibility in the site, which is determined from flags obviously. But less visibility doesn't equal content removal. It's just +2 clicks to see something.

Um, you don't know about :

Never heard of it.