Thanks for the update @ned & @dan but you just made my Tutorial I wrote last week Obsolete and I worked for like hours on that thing!

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

So the new update has arrived and is now working, and lets you see all the posts from the people you have FOLLOWED.

Which makes my Tutorial "[Tutorial] Tired of waiting for the FOLLOW system to work properly? Well quit waiting and follow this guide!" completely obsolete....well not completely but almost.

To make matters worse, this update has appears to have broken the functionality of numerous 3rd party sites like & Hopefully, it is a minor problem with those sites that will be rectified shortly.

There is also an issue with the new Reputation System apparently having no Documentation anywhere that can be found and no apparent release from @dan, @dantheman or @ned concerning the new changes to

While I am sure we all appreciate these guys hard work getting these changes rolled out, I must also show a little concern that there is no information about these changes being released. In the past the information was released before the changes even where is it this time guys????
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+1 bud... we want some explanation of what it is we are looking at and what exactly it means. I've made a post about the update but only supporting the change as a sign of good faith in steemit. Please share...

Yo dawg like I upped that shit the second it hit the wires.....

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Lol. They did mention to @dollarvigilante that it should be coming this week. I feel like Christmas has come early!!

Have patience. They're prioritizing adding functionality before explaining it. Given the onslaught of signups recently, and Steemit going viral, I think it makes sense to give the best impression of the service, despite all the older users not knowing how the new features work, yet. They'll update you in due time, typically it's been the same day features have been released.

They probably didn't intend to break everything, but clearly they didn't think it through very well. I mean it just kinda appeared, over-night. I just looked at my account and went "wat".

I was definitely confused by the rep. I saw "46" and went "but wait this is base 10 right? how can i have higher than 10". Nothing to be found anywhere about what these numbers actually MEAN.

Hopefully @ned and @dantheman will follow up ASAP about these unexpected changes...

Great experiment - no upvotes for one hour! All sit in ambush LOL.. But soon somebody will send here squadron of bots

Darn @ venuspcs I upvoted before I got to the bottom.... I voted too early. Anyhow, here's to this one viral... Up vote people, it costs you nothing But Gains you Much, trust me. Up vote @venuspcs article.
Full $TEEM Ahead!

Wow! New Steem appearance! Little bit strangely though..
I wonder how many people would sit waiting to push Enter when in comes to 300th. I would like to see them all at this time in small windows