in steemit •  3 years ago 

Humanity in some form or another has been present on Earth for 300,000+ years. During that time countless thousands of societies/civilizations have risen and fallen. What do all of those societies/civilizations have in common? Well, simply put, they all drew or wrote about Alien Visitors to Planet Earth. Some called them Gods, some Unknown but they all have stories about Giant Metallic Objects that would descend from the heavens to Earth and do various things once here.

Is it coincidence? I don't think so! If 2 or three people talk about an event it can be considered coincidence. But when every single civilization to ever inhabit this planet writes almost identical stories about aliens visiting us over the span of 10's of thousands of years it can not be coincidence.....it must contain some fact. To date scientists on Earth have identified over a dozen different hominid species as having occupied this planet at one point or another. Now think about that. 1 planet, in 1 solar system in 1 galaxy has had at least 13 sentient, hominid species develop on it.

Now think about this size of our galaxy. There are an estimated 1 billion stars (suns) in our galaxy alone. Almost all of them with multiple planets in various orbits around their host stars. So in the Milky Way there could be over 1 billion Planets that orbit their sun in the Habitable Zone. Or in laymen terms there could be over 1 billion planets just in the Milky Way that are capable of having/had sentient life on them. Now if you expand that out into the universe there are a billion galaxies of various sizes. In essence in our universe there could be well over 1 trillion habitable worlds that currently or previously were home to some form of sentient life.

Cosmically speaking the Milky Way is relatively young (compared to other galaxies closer to the center of the universe). So if sentient life formed at least 13 times on Earth imagine how many different species of sentient life there could be/have been closer to the center of our universe that is billions of years older than our Milky Way!

So the question isn't IS THERE LIFE OUT THERE, the question is HOW MUCH LIFE OUT THERE HAS BEEN/IS HERE?

If you take the time to research every historical writing dealing with aliens, gods, mysterious beings/objects you will quickly realize there have been well over a dozen different races of Aliens visit the Earth during Humanities presence here. Truthfully, there are at least 30 different races throughout human history that have visited our planet from somewhere out there amongst the stars.

According to Ancient Hindu texts, ancient Sumerian Texts and other ancient texts (predating 10,000 BC) Earth didn't even have a Moon until around 10,000 BC when it suddenly appeared in the night sky over what is now the Middle East. In fact it's appearance coincides perfectly with the disappearance of the mythical city of Atlantis as well as the Biblical Story of the Great Flood.

Furthermore, the tens of thousands of sightings of the Dark Knight Satellite that purportedly orbits Earth started shortly after the arrival of The Moon in Earth's orbit. I know what you are probably thinking so let me point out something. In 2020 The Moon mysteriously MOVED several hundred miles closer to Earth (almost instantly). While the mainstream media didn't really report on this it caused the Earth's sea level to rise worldwide by nearly 2 feet. Now imagine what would happen to Earth in 10,000 BC if The Moon suddenly appeared 200,000 miles from Earth and began orbiting the planet. It would cause an instant rise of the planets sea level by 100+ feet. The resulting rapid rise in sea level would cause so much evaporation of moisture into the air that it would likely rain for 40 days, non-stop! Sound familiar?

So know, if you are like me, you are probably wondering who/what could possess the ability to put a small planetoid in orbit around the Earth.....and why?

I have been pondering that for the better part of 20 years and have come up with two possible theories to explain it:

Theory #1 - It is an observation/monitoring station. Imagine you are an alien race with interstellar space travel and you come across a primitive planet (Earth) with multiple humanoid species on it. You are curious as to which one, if any, will survive and possibly reach the stars. How would you monitor them? Well put a giant space ship in orbit that can monitor the entire planet and relay the information back to your home world. But you would have to hide that space ship, unless you made it look like a natural phenomenon. Then the life forms that see it wouldn't think it was a space ship until they were space faring themselves and landed on the object. Ever wonder why we haven't been back to the moon in 50+ years?

Theory #2 - An alien race from a planet that is now long dead, built a giant Generational Space ship so that some of their society could survive long enough to reach a new home. Such a society would have been around our level of technology at the time they built the ship, likely in orbit of their dying planet. In order to reduce energy use, have a gravitational field and ample space for thousands (or millions) of people, animals and supplies they would build a giant moon sized space ship that is mostly hollow inside. While traveling across the heavens it would rotate to simulate gravity inside the ship. Once it reached Earth and detected a Habitable World it entered orbit of our planet. Some (or most) of the inhabitants probably came to Earth 12,000 years ago and integrated into the various hominid species on the planet at the time. However, due to the probably tens of thousands of years it took the Moon to reach Earth most if not all of their technological abilities had stopped functioning so when they landed on Earth they dismantled their ships and integrated into existing societies and cultures.

Personally, I favor Theory #2 for several key reasons:

  • It would explain how/why homo sapiens survived when all the other hominid species did not, we were the most advanced intellectually when the aliens arrived so they integrated into Human societies.
  • It would explain why about 20% of humans contain a string of dna that has yet been identified and whose source is unknown to modern science.
  • It would explain how/why humanity took a sudden scientific, technological and cultural leap forward around 10,000 BC.
  • It would explain how our ancestors were able to build such great monuments and wonders such as Easter Island, The Great Pyramid, etc.

So assuming Theory #2 is correct the descendants of those aliens that took refuge on Earth 12,000 years ago would be among us today. They would look, act, speak and for all intents and purposes be Human Beings....except they would have extra dna/genes that can't be explained by modern science. They would have no knowledge or idea that they aren't Human (entirely human).

But are there others? Are their aliens who know they are aliens on this planet (as in recent arrivals/visitors)? Of course there are and the proof is right in front of us. The United States Government (and most other world governments) spend exorbitant amounts of money every year on Black Budget operations to Hide The Truth, Keep us in the dark about our visitors and work with alien visitors. How do I know that? Well simple IF THERE WERE NO ALIENS VISITING EARTH THE GOVERNMENT WOULD NOT HIDE/DISCREDIT THE COUNTLESS UFO SIGHTINGS! The simple fact that the government won't tell us what is really going on means there is really something going on.

Many people know or have heard of Area 51 (Groom Lake Nevada) which used to be a Nuclear Testing grounds, then an Experimental Aircraft Testing facility then a base of operations for UFO research, reverse engineering and meetings. However, what most people are unaware of is that it isn't the only Top Secret UFO Research facility run by the US Government. In fact, I know for certain that there are at least 3 such facilities and that they get their "Area" designations based on the longitude they are located at. Area 51 is on the 51st Longitude.

White Sands, NM also has a hidden (underground) Alien Research Facility located in the desert North West of Albuquerque, NM know as Area 52. There is also a Joint Research Base in the Gulf of Mexico that is at the bottom of the ocean. It is occupied by both US Government/Military and Aliens working together and it is referred to as Area 53; it is located roughly 300 miles south east of Houston, TX or roughly due south of Mobile, AL. I have been aware of Area's 52 and 53 since 2004 and kept quiet out of fear. I am tired of being afraid, of ignoring what I know to be true. Of the secrets and lies fed to us by our government and mainstream media. To use a line from the X-Files "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE" and it is about damn time WE ALL KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS!

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