What if? (Thoughts of Steemit)

in steemit •  7 years ago 

I woke up with this weird thought this morning...

What if we all saw each other right in the face? For real. How would that be?
Do you guys ever think about that?
We are not computers, nor videos.
We are not typed words nor sung melodies. We are not markets, votes, coirns nor markets.
What if we talked to each other in real person? Would our construction of the people we chat with in here be precise?
What if we could only type our own sincere thoughts?
Sometimes we pick big words and kiss some ass subconsciously -and some really counsciously- in order to get sth back? Would we still do that if we saw each other's faces? I really and honestly like this community, but sometimes I just wonder how would this all be...

What do you guys think?

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I behave much the same face to face. Soon I think hiding our thoughts will be impossible. @verbal-d inspired haiku:

Perhaps very soon
We will have our thoughts out loud
Some will not be nice

Thanks for this reply, I don't behave in the same total way since my mother tongue is Spanish! Still I wondered that morning... Hahaha
