3 Very Important Tips For New Steemonians!!!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

There are three things you can do to each one of your posts to make sure you get maximum results. Anyone, especially you awesome minnows, that can master these three things will see Steemit success.

1. Grab The Reader's Attention

When you make a post you have three things that can grab the attention of the person scrolling through their feed. You need to make sure you have a captivating photo, a dynamic headline and your first sentence of your piece should really pull the reader in without giving too much away.

You only have these three things to pull people in. Make sure you are doing these right. 

FYI - I used the LOOK image as my picture for this post to overstate the point. lol

2. Put Your Content In Front Of The Right People

The best way to make sure your content has a chance to be seen by the people you want is the proper use of tags. Go to the feed section and see what the top tags are. Normally they are photography, steemit, life and so on. Try to include the top ones into your tags. Never tag something you are not writing about. For example if you write a blog on your day at the mall, don't use the tag, "bitcoin". Well, unless you used Bitcoin to buy something.

Always use five. You have five spots and use them wisely. Always use them all. The first is the most important and the most general. Create a wide funnel to bring people into your content. Get more specific as you move to your fifth tag.  Be familiar with the top tags and plan your blogs accordingly to see the best results.

3. Add Value

Whenever you are writing a blog, don't just embed a video you saw on YouTube. You want to add value to your readers. It doesn't matter if you are writing a blog or replying to someones. Whatever you say must try to add value. 

For example if you write a blog talking about your day and what was important to you won't get a ton of people reading your stuff. If you write a blog about your day and talk about things that might help, inform or entertain the reader, then you are adding value. Understanding the importance of adding value will benefit you in many areas of life and business.

I hope you found these tips helpful. 

Leave any other tips or questions in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.

(all GIFs from www.giphy.com)

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Very good tips, im gonna pass it to my friend that started today.
Keep up the good work!

Thank you Johny. I appreciate the kind words and support!

Very good info for a neewbie like myself. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. @walkingkeys

You are more than welcome! Thanks for being here.

Solid tips. I always appreciate practical .advice to make posts more inviting. Thanks

The practical stuff works best. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it and glad I could help.