Some Simple Tips & Points For New Steemit Users.

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

I will Keep this short so you don't feel it's to long to read. This is to help you get it right on steemit.

If you have just joined steemit tonight or are new, here are some points to help you.

  1. Avoid any of this follow for follow bs and any of the many bs competitionsbeing posted everyday. Some are genuine but many are just upvote begging.
    2.Take the time to read any blogs you comment on and don't bother with this new cut and paste style of commenting, It will only result in you looking like a joke.
  2. Everything you say here is public so people will see if your not being genuine and just mute and flag you.
    4.Make sure any blogs you write are in your own words and you feel them to have value here, Whats the point in posting photos of a chair with no info and things like that?
    5.Be yourself and say what you think is right not what you think others might want to hear.

Don't end up like this.

Show us your a blogger not a Beggar,blagger, bragger or bot.
Keep steemit real....
Lable your photos with a name tag and Do your best to show your genuine.

If you leave one worded comments all over everybodys blogs then don't be shocked when people get pissed with you, If you don't understand or can't be bothered to read peolpes blogs, Move on.

Feel free to add anything in the comments you feel might also help readers here.

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Good points, and I would just add - if you like something UPVOTE, don't just say....excellent post! Without upvoting or even reading it.

I agree!

Thanks for your advice. As I m new here , i was looking for such this kind of advice

Thank you! I'm new here and this the first thing I read. I am an Abstract Painter from Indiana. Have heard great things about Steemit. Excited to be joining everybody!

yeah lol follow for follow is so silly

Great post

Resteemed so more see it


Amusing but so true

Nicely worded warrenvee. It can be tough to be genuine when money is involved but it's a lot more rewarding in many ways - especially on Steemit - to make that effort rather than go for the "easy money" illusion. Thanks for this post. Resteemed and upvoted :)

dear friend steemit very good

Thank you for posting this! I am super new to Steemit, so this definitely helps. :D

very useful information..thanks!

You sound annoyed haha you make great points, Kim!! Being brief always works for me and I only read and respond to what I'm drawn too. What I share and blog comes from my heart and so it's meaningful to me. I honestly don't write for an audience so I don't know if steemit is the right forum for me. However, on photos and drawings that are not mine should I make a note of it? I don't put a copyright on any of my original artwork. I'm low tech and not driven to learn 'new ways' but if I fall in love with this place who knows maybe I'll be energized inspired and motivated. Thank you, for your tips and guidance.

Now I know thanks eye opener for me!!!!!!😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳