Attention Steemit Community Members!!

in steemit •  6 years ago 

It was brought to my attention that STEEMIT ADS are being placed on my posts without my knowledge!! Who's putting them there and who's getting PAID when they are clicked?

They can only be seen is you are LOGGED OUT. I find this very sneaky, BULLSHIT and I want it off my posts! HELP!!
Is this something built in to steemit? Has it always been there? I don't know but it is on every blog post I've made!! Who's made the profits off it?

Where's the disclosure on this in steemit? How can I prevent it? WHY IS IT THERE??? Is anyone profiting?

Here's what's showing:


Asking for help to get these off! I am not making money, who is? This cannot be seen when logged into steemit!! Log out or open in a new private window to see this on your own blogs!

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