When I see people post EXACT SAME VIDEO on 2 Steem platforms | Would curiosity kill the cat? | DTube Daily

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

Another curiosity that I hope it wouldn't kill the cat. I'm just wondering how it really works and what people think about it? Doesn't have to be some specific people but if you have any thoughts about this at all, I would love to discuss about it! :)

Lots of lots of love,
Mo ❤

"Local Forecast" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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I won't lie, I do post on both.

I do it because if my video underperforms on Dtube after a certain number of hours, I try my luck on DLive. Sometimes it has paid off.

I wouldn't say it's RIGHT or WRONG but I like to test the waters and see which platform works best for me in the future.

I did this "testing of water " myself

You'll never know till you try both and see who likes your stuff

Agreed with that. That's why right now I'm kinda adapting also which best for which :) ❤

For sure, I respect that. Hope you find the right platform for you. I will continue using both but not exact same contents. Thanks for your opinion. Appreciate you take time answering :D Cheers ❤

What i'm thinking about doing is using Dlive for video games more (when I have time to play) and Dtube for my travel/how to and other practical stuff. Experimenting is amazing!

I think it's good to post on more than one platform. And Youtube. And 1000 other platforms. And cross link them all. And I'm not shaming or judging anyone for it. :)

Whatever suits you best. I just wanted to see what people think. Good to have another interesting point of view here. All the best to you :) ❤

An interesting fact is that when we say “Curiosity killed the cat”, we never finish the proverb. “Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.” Cats are known to be the most curious type of animal. It is what happened. Good job @waybeyondpadthai following you

I would be that dumb cat as I'm always so curious and thank to you , now the satisfaction brought me back! :D

Right or Wrong? hmm... Well if you want to engage with different audiences - why not? Right now its easy to look at these multiple platforms as just being part of Steem - but when these platforms get much larger and many OTHER platforms launch from Steem they will and already do take on thier own personalities - it would be silly to make great content and put it on facebook but not on instagram etc.. - your facebook and instagram following is not the same exact demographic. Same with dtube and dlive - much different audiences - same blockchain.

No right or wrong I would say hahaha LOLOL but hey, on the steem, same exact people follow you unlike facebook and ig. Just an idea tho. Want more details? please go read the one I answer @myndnow on this exact same post. Cheers :) ❤ btw I do not disagree with you here. This is totally an inconcludable topic and yes peeps, it's hot like a fireeeee 🔥🔥🔥🔥

"We All both" I love it so much... Well people are trying to fish for dtube and dlive vote. :( and that is not very good. I think people should focus on creating original content for each platform. There might be people that don't check the steemit website and use exclusively other platforms after create an account on Steemit. And I see the appeal of trying to reach all of them by posting in diverse sites/apps on the blockchain but in my opinion if you are going to do it at least create original and exclusive content for that platforms :) no T no shade no pink lemonade! That is a fact and a fact is a fact.

Hahaha sure no T no shade no pink lemonade. I agree with the exclusive contents for each platform. Be proud of our own content! :) ❤

Always my content might be shit.... but at least it is MY shit ❤

Hhahah never be shit youuuu. Yer too cute! hahaha :D

You are too nice! :D ehehhe

I have not done D-Live yet but I post on YouTube and D-Tube and yeah, it is the same video sometimes but I usually wait a few days before I post on Youtube

In my point, DTube and Youtube same video is totally fine as Youtube is not on the Steem blockchain and you have totally different audience.. I do it too as DTube don't keep your videos forever so I have all videos stored on Youtube..

You do what you feel like! :) thanks for the opinion :D ❤

ohh i didnt know dtube doesnt keep your video forever- where did you find that? my hubby said things on the blockchain stay forever?? haha..

Yes they do delete :-):-):-)

I guess it all boils down to what your intentions are? Are you doing it because you want to fish for more upvotes then I wouldn't do it. But if you are doing it because you also want to create value on other platforms with the same content? Then I guess it's legit. The truth is though...nobody knows what your intentions are but yourself. So know that and you will be fine :)

Winny out...for now ;)

But if you are doing it because you also want to create value on other platforms with the same content? Then I guess it's legit.

you want to fish for more upvotes then I wouldn't do it

May i disagree with this one hahaa อย่าด่านะกลัว 55555555 It's on the same steem blockchain,when people follow you , they follow you on all platform so they will literally see 2 EXACT same post on their feeds. I don't think it's about value to post on both. To be honest though, I'm not against posting on both but I don't do it myself as that actually sounds to me like they find more votes WHICH IS FINE because as you said, everyone has their own intentions and know one knows.

It's like 2 choices here:

  • care about people who follow you
  • care about the vote

To be honest, I do care both but I just do things my way so that I don't post exact same thing (might be a bit similar but would never be the same). Again, this post is not against anyone. Just want to see what people think 55555555 and hell homie, how fun to read all these comments! :D

I would add a third choice: audience exposure.

This is why I make the facebook instagram comparison. How do you attract a new audience - by putting your art in front of their faces. And as I mentioned - the audience looking at the front page of dlive is not the same people looking at the front page of dtube.

That's another one good point. Can't deny that.

That would be annoying for me to get the same video twice in my feed.

Someone else literally just told me the same thing so I'm not the only one.

Hahaa Good one! :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You talking about me I recon ;D so my opinion is that you can do whatever you want with content you have created in general. So if it’s video you can upload it to DTube, DLive, DPorn, YouTube, Facebook - dont matter it is your video.

Bless :)

I'm not talking about any specific person. There are a few out there and I'm not against anyone. That's why there's this video to ask people opinion and find out what's right and wrong or there's not such a right answer at all.

Peace ❤️❤️

Cool :)


@neopch It is a bit different sharing same video from youtube or facebook to steem blockchain. Since it is coming from a different platform. When you post things from DLive and then the same from Dtube you creating spam.
But what is being done for fame ..... ;)

@soulast SPAM? Do you really know what SPAM is? No one is telling you to click play on my video on any platform right? as well as timeline, if you dont like it just click unfollow and thats it beacuse at the end of the day you have decided to follow me. I'm saying all in totally theoretical way so don't call it SPAM because SPAM is totally a different thing :)
Another bit is that DTube don't keep your files forever because they have to pay for it and DLive is working better in this situation.

Fame? Lol. I don't give a fuck about fame. To be honest I care more about my rent and bills which I have to pay at the end of every month and food on the plate than fucking fame Man :)

@neopch Forgive me, I did use bad words and I have clearly offended you. The message suppose to be completely different. Because honestly, just like an Asian girl ... I did not mean you. At least I personally did not see your double posts yet. But, I would just like to express that. If at the moment some users are doing it more will fallow them. More will follow, the more same post will show up. And that In my opinion is a spam.
I talked with @D00k13 about solving Dtube problem of the expiry date of our content. And we were thinking about how to solve it. One of the ideas was just throwing the same video every week but it turned out that would end up with a flag. I personally did not even know that after a week my content is losing value on dtube and each of my videos will disappear from this platform.
Currently, I'm working on solving this problem. And maybe I already have something. But I can not reveal much yet.

@soulast Offend me? Nah at all ;) It's hard to offend a polish Man :D I can see that you are polish as well so you know what I mean. Anyway... I'm not saying that you are talking about me personally but Im doing double uploads of same video from time to time so I don't want to be a hipocrite just let you know what i think about it and this is what "asian" woman try to do in this video ;D No offence.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@neopch A no właśnie, chciałem się Ciebie zapytać czy może z PL :) Mimo wszystko, doskonale Ciebie rozumiem. I ciągle rozmyślam nad tym aby nasza praca włożona w steem nawet po dłuższym czasie się nie zmarnowała. Nie przepadła a co najważniejsze, aby dalej zarabiała na siebie.
Może już coś mam, ale nie mogę zapeszać. Z pewnością usłyszysz jak tylko to dokończe. A tym czasem goroąco pozdrawiam z Gdyni ;)

@soulast jestem polako ale nie mieszkam w polsce ;] Spoko, pasywne dochody zawsze i wszedzie :D Pozdro z UK.

wait what? is already a DPorn out there?

yeah but it's terrible. lol

I'm considering putting the videos on Dporn myself. @turotulco LOLOL

I guess it is ;D

I know nothing about Dtube or I can say I'm new to steemit so If you can say what it is?

It is steemit version of youtube. Just go and check it out https://d.tube/

Posting the same stuff on multiple platforms is a no-go in my opinion. It’s about fair play. I mean if some viewers use DTube only or DLive only for example, then okay they could miss some content. That would be a legit argument to do this.
But I guess we all know why these specific people are doing it. It’s about maximizing profit and the hope for an additional huge platform upvote, nothing else. And that is very, very poor!

Hahaa thanks for such a nice/long/thoughtful comment. This could be such a hot topic on the platform and I don't think there's a right or wrong answer either as there's no rule or nothing but yeah, we all have our own pride and 'To each their own' so.. not much we can say about it :D Cheers ❤

On steem is no monitorization so you can feel free to do the same. But, possibly your big heart is stopping you.....?

I somehow feel awkward and I don't want to take any of them for granted. Let's say, I'm doing the same topic about this, I filmed it twice with 2 different swags LOL. I would hurt if I were a Dlive team member knowing that people post a video on DTube either get upvoted or not, then exact the same video on DLive to fish for some more love. That could really hurt? not sure. too sensitive. I'm Asian girl LOLOLOLOL hahaha

I would feel as well awkward of doing it. But, @neopch is right. It might be at least the temporary good solution for getting your older content gain some value. In another hand, as I did replay to his answer. If more users will do it, it would become madness....

Good channel. I wish you good luck on d.tube ;)
Regards ;))

Thank you! :)

i don't mind as long as it's yours lol


thank you, your post

Please Stop - @iamgun

You just said "your post" and in your your last 100 comments you used 33 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 9 times. You've received 1 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 82.00% and Bot: 4.00%

Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.

hmm ive tried out dlive for one of my videos that seem better suited for dlive... but I felt bad that I didn't update dtube either and my followers didnt see the dlive video haha.. but then again I don't know if people only exclusively look at the other platforms.. I always look at steemit first.

Yes, I use busy.org mostly so whichever platforms people I follow post on, I see all those ;)

I actually thought that Dlive was for live streaming, as a means to get people to think "Mmmmmm perhaps I should post a live stream?" Why they would post it on Dtube is a mystery, but my brain just suggested that it is a marketing thing. I think people haven't had enough attention growing up so its psyched them to posting the same thing twice. The other thing could be a broke thing. When you're broke there's nothing better than selling the same toothpaste twice. Steal it from the client and sell it to the mamma..