Is Facebook considering a Facebook Token?

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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It only makes sense given how Facebook has cornered the social media market and has recently banned advertisements for other cryptocurrencies. More and more signs are pointing to it.

Here's a post of mine from January were I make the case that Steem's days are numbered:

Additionally, others are making the same observations:

Enjoy the run while it lasts gents. Just be glad you don't own any XIV. If you do...God help you.


You could have ended up like this guy:

And finally, just because it's Friday:


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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Ah thats no good. If steem keeps on developing itself is has a massive chance to overcome facebook. Lots and lots of people unhappy with Mark Z greed and how he exploits us users.

All STEEM needs is an import friends from facebook (People only remain there cos all their friends are there) and add some other missing features.

Now if facebook creates its own crypto and reward people the way STEEM does we are in trouble.

However people are waking up the blockchain and other technologies are the best invention since the internet it basically came to save us.

So lets be positive. ;)

Thanks for the comment and being positive!

Bru, this sounds kinda scary. What do you suggest to do?