💡 jabi... HF20 Question - Should we change our autovote timing?

in steemit •  6 years ago 

In case you missed it, Steem is upgrading to HardFork 20.

  • That includes a change to the timing upvote rewards, among other things...

I know we have reached a consensus of the top 20 witnesses for HF20.

  • Does that mean we are officially running under HF20, even though we are ahead of schedule?

Don't upvote yourself as you post?

As I understand the upgrade, you will waste your vote, if you upvote as you post.

  • So, if you are going to self-upvote, wait at least 15 minutes.

Without getting into the argument for or against self-upvoting...
Is this correct?

  • You can still self-upvote, just make sure you wait 15 minutes.

Autovote curation timing?

The 30-minute window after posting is being reduced to 15 minutes.

  • So, if we were auto-upvoting someone (I use steemauto), we should change that to 15 minutes?

Anything else we should be aware of?

if we don't know
what we don't know
we don't know what to ask...

Surely there will be a slew of new information as people figure out changes to our habits we should make once HF20 is official.

Thanks for any ideas you have.

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jabi = Just Another Bright Idea
pronounced jab eye


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Meaning you can't
waste your vote


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Hey, @wizardave.

I am far from the expert on this, but from what I've read, 15 minutes will now be the earliest you will want to self-upvote. Seems like there's been some arguments for coming in later. However, you'd want to tighten that up.

Regardless there will be a difference in the amount self-upvoters will retain as a result of the self-upvote since the curation part of the self-upvote will no longer being going to the self-upvoter, too.

As it is, we should probably extend that rule about voting in the first 15 minutes to everyone, since it will automatically go to the reward pool instead of all to the author if it happens within the first 15 minutes, and after that, curation percentages change depending on who else votes, timing, etc.

re: witness consensus on HF 20

As far as I know, there's still the 11 am EDT deadline for tomorrow. Right now, the last version of 19 is still the version we're using. Then, when we hit 11 AM, things will switch over. Hopefully, there won't be a seizure like last Monday, which wasn't supposed to happen—we should have kept running like we are now—but we apparently had a bug vs. bug situation then.

Thanks Glen

Yep. If you haven't been over to steemitblog yet they have an update that explains what they're hoping will happen and also potentially what could happen, along with a lot of unknowns until they do happen. RCs being chief among them, since that's what most of the update is about. Very much worth reading through and into the comments.