RE: How to earn on steemit?

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How to earn on steemit?

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Hello Mahida! Welcome to Steemit!
I am also new at this like you. Can you tell me some techniques about online earnings, please?
What should one do to earn enough money to buy a new laptop?
I am working with a 10 years old desktop computer and I would be very happy for a new one!
Thank you for your answer!
I hope you will enjoy your time on Steemit!
I wish you all the best! Have a nice day!

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Hello @explosive!
Thank you for your wishes.
You can earn online with any skill you have. Can you tell what you can do very well? I may tell you about certain websites where you can sell your skills for a good monetary exchange <3

This is the problem. I live with autism spectrum, dyscalculia (I can't make mathematical calculations) and I am visually impaired.
Because of my disabilities I am unable to make friends in real life and I am unable to work in real life.
I don't have so much experience with people. I recently tried article writing in Steemit and Photography with my smartphone. I even tried macro photography with my smartphone but I don't have any skills at the moment. I have also tried YouTube in my own language (Hungarian) but I received a lot of hateful comments and I stopped making YouTube videos (most of the people hates autistic persons no matter what we do). I also uploaded some radioamateur related videos (mostly) in English to another channel. There are also a few Hungarian videos on that channel. That videos didn't received any hateful comments yet. However I didn't uploaded videos in long months because the number of the viewers are much below than 100 on most of the videos.
I spend most of my time at home and my monthly income in real life is around $225,77 USD (60 000 HUF) (1$ USD = 265.7600).
Literally every dollars and every cents could help me.
I would be very happy If I could create $20-30 USD per month consistent earning from the internet.
I could buy books to improve my English skill.
Thank you very much if you have any suggestion to me.

Ok. What are your hobbies? What is the thing you love to do the most? I will find a way for you as to how make your videos effective.