The Cultivated Apothecary: Week 5 Edition 1: After Shower Powder & Bottling Up Wine

in steemitbloggers •  7 years ago  (edited)

While neither of these recipes and tasks had no home-grown, from my garden, ingredients, I still wanted to share in my Cultivated Apothecary series because they are both homemade and natural items for consumption or use on any homestead or in any home.

Homemade After Shower Powder

powder done.png

The simple and easy recipe is in my DTube video... takes minutes to make and depending on your personal usage, this amount made should last about 2-3 months. I don't usually keep the powder stored for longer than that; plus I love the essence from the Ylang-Ylang that I tend to overdo the powdering some days.

This is great for those hot and humid summer days and you start to develop a rash, or chafe, when working out in the heat.

▶️ DTube

Bottling Up The Last Of The Wine For The Year

wine done.png

So Yeah I grabbed every Grolsch bottle I had in the Golden D kitchen this morning, clean and sterilized them then around 7am, I started bottling up the last gallon and a half of red (cranberry and apple) wine I had in the glass jugs. They had fermented long enough (and in all reality I should have bottled up late last week... but life got in the way) and it was time to get them to their final destination.

I ended up with nine Grolsch bottles full plus this half gallon Mason Jar almost filled up. I am quite pleased with my first season EVER making and bottling wine. These will make some nice holiday gifts for family and some of Mr Golden D's co-workers.


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This is good I was employed at thalvin morocco factory and it is the biggest distributor of wines inside and outside morocco and i know a lot n this area !!
Please tell me how to get meaningful votes! I write good articles but do not give a fair interaction !!
You can visit my account and tell me where the problem is, brother!

I've always wanted to do that; maybe I can one day when I win the lotto, or steem goes back up

I've been wanting to make my own wine for years. It wasn't until back in January, when I had saved enough money for the extra-rainy day fund that I was able to buy the necessary bottles, etc.

I have had fun learning how to make it. I never realized how long it can take for the fruit or fruit juice to ferment. But it's worth it. Hubby loves every batch I'v e made so far. This was my third batch to date.

howdy this beautiful Wednesday to you goldendawne! did I miss your wine making posts??? because I don't remember you talking about that, now that's the sign of a true redneck right there! I love it!
It takes months to ferment? And you made it from your own fruit?

The fruit for the first batch I bought at a local store and squished the grapes to smithereens!
After that I started using organic unsweetened fruit juices from a local farmer's store.

This batch by far is the strongest smelling of alcohol. Hubby sampled it last night and said "WOW! What did you put in there! It's potent!"

He is addicted to watching the Moonshine show on Discovery channel (I think) and said... "maybe we should try that" To which I said... heck NO! Did you see that still blow up last week!" lol

haha! that's funny goldendawne..then how did you learn to make it and did you do a post on it or did I miss one?

I want to try it! Thank you for sharing!

I'll for sure have to try that powder, it's still hot around here and I'm guessing we won't get cooler temperatures until October at best so that sounds like something I need.

And congrats on the wine! I'm glad it turned out good for you :)

I might do a lot of quiet lurking but I want you to know how much I appreciate your wayshowing/tutilage. <333 Just joined your discord. Much Love SiStar!!!

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Oh I am the same way! My brain is like a sponge and I will read, research and look for articles about topics of interest.
I know you're there lurking.. I can see you 😎 - lol

thereikiforest is a professional lurker. I find it a little creepy but if you're okay with it then God bless you!

LMAO Cowboy!

<3333 :)

That's a very nice recipe, i love a home made stuff and it is perfect for my children. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day

I dare not let my husband see this he will want to bottle wine again.
The bath stuff looks great.
Enjoyed your post.

This is really interesting! I love the smell of Ylang-Ylang too!

Thanks for sharing @goldendawne! I'd like to try this)

How interesting! I am making the after shower powder today!!!! And guess what? I am addicted to Ylang essential oil, I have it handy all the time! Thanks for the recipe @goldendawne 😊