You do not have to attend every argument you are invited to.

in steemitbloggers •  6 years ago 


There is an expression that goes along the lines of
"You don't have to attend every argument
You are ivited to."

Never were truer words spoken.
It is through life’s harshest experiences and
toughest challenges that this mindset is born...
And it is most certainly one that I choose to adopt.

Now don’t get me wrong or misconstrue what I am saying...
This does not mean that I don’t have an opinion
or that certain things don’t upset me etc.
It simply means that wherever I can, I make a conscious decision
To walk away from situations when I can see that they are clearly heading
nowhere other than South.

Negativity and negative people have a handy knack
of embroiling you into their world of turmoil and despair...
And once you step so much as a toe into that abyss,
you will most likely look again and find that you fell in completely...
Your entire energetic frequency has lowered,
your ego begins to dominate and before you know it,
you are feeling angry, bitter, frustrated etc.
And this then starts to filter into the rest of your immediate environment.

So why opt for that route In the first place?!
Well, I don’t think it is always done consciously...

Negative people and circumstance
can be very cunning indeed.
For the most part, you will need to check yourself...
Stop and say “do I really want to be a part of this?”
Upon objective reflection you will most likely
realise that it is not actually in your best interest,
but the challenge comes in the turning around
and walking the other way.

I find that some times are easier than others,
But the fact remains that every time I succeed at this,
I am very thankful after.

My life is comprised of my choices,
and I definitely choose NOT to fill it with negativity...

So I will say what I want to say (if anything)
And then, keep on walking...
And if that leaves me being misread
or misunderstood by the negative inviter...
Well, tough. ;)


Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Love this post. Goes for basically all the stress and drama :p
Going to @theluvbug for my WheelLife vlogs from now on! Maybe even try to become part of the bloggang with the cool gif!!!
Stay happy

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the awesome feedback @wheellife :) Hope you have a fantabulous day too ;)

Best course of action in my books too. The following springs to mind, "don't argue with stupid people because they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience."My dad always used to say that to me. To walk away can be hard but rather that than going round and round in circles and not getting anywhere. Great advice as always xxx.

Yes, I love that quote too! :) Thanks hon x

Wow well said, I really enjoyed this post.You don't have to attend every argument
You are invited to."this statement is true, sometimes ago my friend was arguing with someone and he invited me to join and support him, I had to lie In some of the argument which was very bad of me. Sometimes friends can make you do things you don't want to do. That is when peer influence comes in. Thanks for this wonderful post. I have really leant from it

Even though, I agree with you on this that for the most part, you will need to check yourself...
Stop and say “do I really want to be a part of this?”.

But still why do you want to look at things in that way of Positive and negative. If it's about being judgemental then please see that your judgement is about these 2 things in particular a). Survival. b). Work ( family, job, business, etc ). Otherwise, there's no need for judgement. Isn't it so??

If it's about action then action is always as per the requirement of the situation and is directed towards a goal. The only choice you have is to be pleasant or unpleasant. That's all I can perceive. Let me know if you can perceive anything else.

Fact of the matter:- It's your choice to be pleasant or unpleasant within yourself. If the outside situations have to go your way then you need the other person to CO-OPERATE with you. Otherwise, you can only these situations to a certain extent. But within yourself it is 100% your decision to be pleasant or unpleasant.

You are SPOT ON. I just tend to avoid all arguments when I can (especially online) unless it is something that is mayyyybe relevant to my life or between my kids. Otherwise, I just don't have the energy to pour into other people wanting to argue. I don't understand how anyone has the energy or attention span for it!

I LOVE the "You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to" SO MUCH!!!

Great post, as always.

Thanks love xxx

Excellent advice, as always, dear lady!

So from now on, my mantra will be -



My son's girlfriend is infamous for not wanting to accept responsibility for stuff you task her I often do exactly as you described above, give my say and walk away, with her staying in the conversation she will only yelled deflections and blame onto others.

Some will call it inferiority complex, some will say you are proud. The truth still remains that you don't have to partake in all argument

I really agree with you, it's not necessary to move into an conversation where we will not going to have anything productive or which will not lead you towards anywhere and instead it will eat your time and efforts, and also it will make you more frustrated. We have to put our opinions or start conversation where the next person also have that open minded state of mind, where he/she can hear us then ready for the healthy conversation or an debate. Thanks for sharing this message with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Meditation helps a lot to feel peace of mind. Always recommended to the persons I know, it has helped me a lot.

I'm not like you, it's very hard to me lo leave a situation like this, but with meditation I'm learning to keep calm in every moment. Hope to be like you in the future ;)

Absolutely correct! On point.

Thanks :)

Well put and the simplicity is self explanatory. It is healthy to be true to yourself; avoiding peer pressure or what others are doing does not make one a lesser being. Quite uplifting.

Thank you :)

You wilk never win an argument..
Because everyone one is right from there Point Of View..
So Dont Argue with anyone

Great advice. I'm just now getting mature enough to realize this!