Someone finally understands... I am a hero

in steemitblues •  8 years ago 

LOL - New Tag, building a culture via humor..   #steemitblues

When I saw this comment, I just knew finally everyone understood me...  Imagine my disappointment, when I saw in his comment field, I am not the only hero.  Sigh.

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How superficial and it was good that you checked into the posts and discovered it. Anyway as long as you know what you are doing is the right thing and others enjoyed and benefited from your generosity, that's what's important. Continue your good work.
Thank you

They just want to steal your love and break your heart. And everyone else's apparently.

lol. Man, I should pay people to say nice things about me. It is great for the ego, until you find out you are not the only one! hahaha.

Well I don't really do false complements, but you are wise enough to know that. :)

amigo #resteemia at your service

'I am not the only hero. Sigh.' that's funny. yes he has soo many heros :) nice sharing @whatsup

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

OMG I can't stop my laugh! Coz the way you present it :D Okay sorry for your disappointment! But I didn't tell you and won't either! You are in my hero list ;) That's why I am following you and commenting your posts!
The way you think, the way you act, that makes respect! Keep it up friend!



Maybe you are a hero and @faissalchahid is your arch nemesis.

Popularity comes with a cost :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hahaha well at least it was an original way of spamming

man. i thought i was the only one being called a hero!!!

i actually bought it and gave one of these fools an upvote. hope he enjoys his penny.

If we are all special is anyone special. lol. It just cracked me up.

These people are getting really good at comment SPAM. Nice one! That is actually the best I've seen so far. I love the way you presented it.

I now feel like I've been cheated on, he was not just loving me but half of steemit as well.I thought I was special.... sob

Oh no, did you get played? It's so sad.

😍😍😍😍😍😍 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Hahahahaha. I have had several comments like this on my post too. I really tot i was the only one.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Really good because you create really good and interesting content


@whatsup - Sire, you are a hero. Who said not Sire? You are a hero in steemit world Sire. Love you style Sire. Therefore, I wish to resteem your posts Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

heheh finally #steemitblues

what a relief to be one hero among many... exclusivity is ... creepy... but then so many can be creepy :)

I have found that Steemit really has boosted my ego quite a lot... I feel pretty good about that. Haha.

You gotta be a little great, since you did come over and support one of my posts. I really appreciate that. Also, I totally laughed out loud at your response to them! Haha. So I appreciate that also! <3

But like you said, these spammy comments are totally disappointing to receive... My emotions are always a little conflicted at them!