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If you made a badge/achievement spot for delegating to @steemitboard, your SP would blast to the moon (: That would be a fun way to constantly be taking in more delegations, because the badge system is addictive!

Thanks for the suggestion. Added to our todo list ;)

No problem, @steemitboard is awesome! Keep up the awesome work!

Great explaination! It was really motivating to see your comment on my first post :)


nice steemitboard improvements ! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Para mí es de gran motivación, creo que son claros con cada una de las insignias. Es cuestión de profundizar cuando exista alguna duda. Gracias por su apoyo.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

cool! i enjoy your notifications and how you set them - more in the beginning, less later. Feels like i won something each time

Hey, can I ask a question? I used to be able to type in this code as part of my signature: [![](https://steemitimages((((dot com, taken out so the code will show)))/100x80/http://steemitboard(((dot com)))/@phoenixwren/level.png)](http://steemitboard(((dot com)))/board.html?user=phoenixwren) ...but since I graduated to minnow, it hasn't updated to show the minnow icon, it still shows a redfish. See?

Can you advise me how to get it to show the minnow icon? I would very much appreciate it! Thank you! :)

I usually have an incremental number with a tag, for me to be sure from where I posted that.

it hasn't updated to show the minnow icon, it still shows a redfish

This is because of the image cache implemented by Steemit. To bypass it, one simple trick is to add a parameter at the end of your url, like the current date


will display it correctly:

Hooray, thank you so much! :)

Thanks for explanation

Genera motivación y deseo de superación en cada post que se realiza, gracias por este aporte.

Gracias por la explicación, y por las insignias que he recibido, la verdad son muy motivadoras.

Thanks for your explanation!

Good to know. Thanks for all you do. 💕

Hopefully, I am as a newcomer in Steemit one day I could grab more than one achievement notifications.

Nice information, thanks for the explanation!

These are really encouraging notifications. Thank you for continuing and even improving the service for everyone.

Thanks for info.

I really appreciate the badges and being able to track my accomplishments. I voted for steamboard as witness because I think you are adding a level of gameification involvement that truly inspires action.
Perhaps there are articles I am not finding though to help me answer some questions. I did not receive anything for first steps though I see them on others achievement boards. Until I saw the explination on this post I thought maybe you didn't give them out anymore. Is there a reason I skipped those and went straight to the others? Also I tried for the author reward posting four times in a day and every day of the week and I am wondering if the rewards are delayed like steems author rewards or if I just wasnt in the UTC window for the day.

It would also be awesome to see the levels on your site, I can see bones, olive wreaths, dolphins and so on as I scroll through the leaderboard but no key or reference to what the levels are or in what order.

Thanx I really like getting the badges 🙏👍

I have replied many time whit word STOP but notifications don't stop.
Please STOP notifications on my blog!!!

You have to write "stop" only, nothing mored @steemitboard is a bit touchy with requests :)

it's exactly what I did many times and doesn't works!

Indeed, you did.
There might be a small bug out there. I will check it.
Please apologize for any inconvenience.

It's ok, I'm sorry about the tone, hope you can fix it

Fixed ;)

Hola @steemitboard me parece una herramienta muy buena para dar ánimo a los usuarios sobre todo a los nuevos, espero recibir pronto tu visita con esas notificaciones de estímulo. Gracias y buen trabajo