in steemitbullies •  8 years ago 


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hmmm... you might just be limited to post nsfw nudes!....
It seams to me you are being targeted...
I thought we were censor free here!...
is it just @steemcleaner, or are there more ?
I would suggest you go whale hunting for the answers!
... or just add " I think this is a good article(or some such tag)...

im being CENSORED!
I post on ISRAEL/CLINTONS dead bodies I quoter fair use..
I provide sources.
I am not the only one!

OK, I hear you!
I am new here. I do not understand computer...and this shit is way over my head in a lot of areas!
do you know @aggroed?
if so you might ask him about it... or like I said ,go look for a whale or some such expert,and ask them. .. I am extremely upset to here about this considering that it is supposed to be a censor free site,ie. the nsfw...
let me know the outcome! what you find far as i know I have not been censored,,,, but sometimes I am kinda :-)

I'm use to this!
I been a news poster for over 5 years on other platforms.
If they boot me here, I will inform several of my friends who are actually VERY FAMOUS and recommended this platform.
I kinda wonder how THE DOLLAR VIGILANTE, SGT.REPORT, and GREG MANNARIONO will feel about it?

I posted this problem on discord,trying to get an answer!, going to look into who what @steemcleaners is!...idk whale minow,bot...see what I can find out..
This FUCKING SHIT PISS'S ME OFF! do not tell me I am free then limit my actions! :-)

Someone has a hard on for me... appreciate the support @jesse2you

pooh burn to the ground.jpg

seams @steemcleaners is someone big? or A bot! have you gone to the site? Idk what to tell you. appeal ? Try not to become collateral damage!
I hear anything will let you know!

@steemcleaners is being used as a proxy against me.
Someone got their knickers in a twist over something against me.

I'm not really good at bending my will to such tactics. I feel sorry for those who do.

I hear you.... Hands me a shovel and points a gun.tell me to start digging..Fuck you shoot me! 🤠

See there is a secret network working in STEEMIT!
And they have the nerve to say there is not!


Seems fairly easy to bang out a paragraph on what your spin on an article is. Depends on who is flagging you.

Now your speaking to the exact point.. WHO????
When clearly someone else is saying there is no CONTROL.
Do you see the contradictions?!?!?!
mon on fire.jpeg
So there is an invisible force working here, and it exists, and it has shown it's face.
Perhaps the community standards board needs a serious inquiry into this exact matter on what is happening.

There is no question of who is downvoting you. They are listed. Nothing invisible. Is it really so hard to put in a sentence before copy/pasting something like, "I saw this article and really liked it" or "I thought I would share this article with you guys"? This would get you clear of being downvoted by this group.

CENSORSHIP is happening,.. while several people are saying it is not.
Let's fix the censorship problem, not the use of a weak band-aid solution.

I provide a service alone by posting what I find as important news, many people do not ever see the light of day.

You are asking me now to adequate myself to CENSORSHIP when in fact someone has a HARD-ON!

Do you think they will ever admit to why?

From what I am getting back in feed back...It seems to be a mater of you copying articles without adding personal touch... my suggestion to add "I found this ,and want your opinion " would solve problem.. or so I am being informed...
please try that,if you still have the same problem ,let me know... trying to clear the air,and resolve this... I do want to help. I resteemed like 3 -4 of your post on this issue. and I see where @aggroed responded. so you have a good person there to talk to ,about this issue.

Let us review ZERO HEDGE who posts here.
They also post many other reports from around the world sourced to other outlets.
All copy and paste. Soooooo, that would tend to make me think there is different rules for different folks.
You know... them vs me!
Either way until the rules are applied identically.. it is CENSORSHIP for a personal motive!
There are plenty of abuse articles coming out about all these steemit personalities are not liking all the new people coming here.
They need to get a handle on the loose cannons running around here thinking they are GODS.
Here is a direct article about STEEM and the exact same thing going on. Wait till 10,000 people understand what's going on and they all sell their STEEM at the same time!
What they are telling you is complete and total cover-up the bully and make a false accusation and claim!
Seems like a bunch a pansies here.. with a pissed off person trying now to cover it up!

No law governs the STEEM blockchain other than the code. lol

LOL! With an attitude like that... how long do you expect THIS PLATFORM to last?

EXTINCTION is FOREVER! That includes CRYPTOS who's platform has lost faith with people who buy it!
star trek warning.jpg

You clearly don't understand the fact that the entire network is decentralized meaning that no one government body can even attempt to claim law against it, Could the network contain things that may be illegal in some countries..? Absolutely! However there really isn't a damn thing any person, entity or government can do about it..

Once it is in the blockchain it's in the blockchain.

You clearly have no idea how when people loose faith in a platform.. it vanishes!

Pretending otherwise is not conducive to longevity.

There is already many rumblings of THE OWNERS/MODERATORS behaviors here in STEEMIT.

To think that this will help your platform is FOOLISH!

medal of snowflake.jpg

I've been here over a year and we are currently experiencing a massive influx of new users and usage so frankly I'm not sure what you are talking about nor what triggered this.

There are no moderators coded into the system. If you'd explain how you got to this point I'd have a better understanding of where you are coming from.

If you don't like use There are even more STEEM blockchain browsers being built and released as we speak.

Appreciate the special snowflake award and all that jazz. But I'm not here to call you down or anything. Just making sure you realize that no one actually has control over what goes on the blockchain.

But CLEARLY there is This thread is a perfect example!
If no one controlled it, then why is this thread exist?
I am a NEWS channel.. kinda like ASSOCIATED PRESS.. except without the AP.
Defending that censorship is not happening here ... then why is this thread here?
It does not add up!