in steemitcensorship •  8 years ago 


The STEEMIT community can now see active work to censor my blog that deals with reporting international news

Meet one of the RAT'S trying to CENSOR ME @zathras

I thought CENSORSHIP was frowned upon here!

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The rules on Steemit are that if you are quoting anything that is already on the web, or even out of a book, etc.
you have to make it clear that it is not your own content.

Besides acknowledging the source, you must put the '>' symbol in front of the quoted text ie ... >Middle East

So that when you quote something it looks like below, with a line to the left of it:

Middle East
14:25 01.06.2017(updated 14:26 01.06.2017) Get short URL
0 46182
The latest Hollywood blockbuster Wonder Woman hasn't been received positively by everyone it appears. The Lebanese government has made the decision to cancel all screenings of the action-packed film as Gal Gadot, who plays the superhero heroine, is from Israel and has served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

You really should add your own commentary about what the news means to you or add some thoughts of your own.

You are not being singled out.
Steemit is really strict about plagiarism.

PLAGIARISM is stealing WORK!
I have noted all sources.
Odd.. do you do this to @zerohedge?
Because ZERO HEDGE also has this exact same story running, and I don't see them being CENSORED!
Your story is falling apart quickly!

Why are you asking if I 'do' this.
You asked a question -- I responded.
I am simply being helpful and explaining what happened to you.
When I see situations like yours before someone has been flagged, I will very often stop and take the time to explain how they can avoid flags and avoid this whole situation.
I am not your enemy, but I will quit responding to you since you are trying to pick a fight with me.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

I gave credit where it was due!
Do you CENSOR @zerohedge for this story? They ran it I just quoted the original source.
Stop pretending that this CENSORSHIP of the news is something people do not care about... just ask GOOGLE,FACEBOOK, and YOUTUBE!
Defending your position when I have sourced the item makes you very very weak. You are rewritting how news is reported here. You are trying to make me act as if this were my own work ..if I added my own comment.
Sounds kinda ISRAELI to me!



Repost the censored article,post,and add a caption that ask for there opinion. Or I liked this article and think it was censored. And repost it....Like I said I am not a computer person...Still learning this shit...About 45 min.and I need to do something other than stare at a screen...Lol...Please keep up the good fight!

They picked a fight with the wrong personality type here Jesse. Thanks for the imput. I can't buckle on this one!
I do appreciate it though.

I think we should give all of them guns ,lockem in a bunker and let them live on money,no water no food just money and guns!

I prefer a prison ship made from an old oil tanker, anchored just off ANTARCTICA. The old oil tanker to remind them the stranglehold on OIL and the 100's of millions killed over oil!

Didn't the Arrow escape from one of those...Lol... Anyway I think it would make a great TV show...🤠

I just want them to live a long life in the manner they would have us become accustomed to!

I'll resteem this now and see what feedback comes up. This is obviously a charged topic and that image doesn't help your case. Pretty intense.

ultramylk -- I see your 'resteem' in my feed (since I follow you)
and I try to be helpful and answer the person's question,
and he jumps all over me accusing me like I'm the one who flagged him.
When I explain he says he finds that hard to believe that I'm just being helpful.
Yikes -- you try to help people -- which I do all the time and get treated this way.
(just thought you should know)

Thank you so much for taking the time to look into it and help me ! You are super awesome! I had the same experience but I wanted to make sure I wasn't just missing something. Not sure what his motive is but the whole thing seemed pretty negative and fishy. Helpful people being helpful to eachother equals so much goodness ( as you demonstrate) so I'm really glad I put it out there. 😊 ❤️

thanks ultramylk.
It's not nice that he makes other people feel crappy for trying to help out. Makes me think that he probably had lots of warnings before he was flagged, as that is usually what happens.
The iron here is that the topic I post about most often (vaccines) is one of the most censored topics around, and although a lot of people on Steemit may not really like it, I continue to write about with freedom. Steemit has been a great platform for my free speech!
Steemit has certain etiquette to make things go smoothly. And Steemit encourages original content. I very often refer to and quote existing material or videos, but I always add my own thoughts and expound on them -- thus original content.
Anyways, all the best!

I couldn't agree more. Best to you as well!

transparency much be a good thing :)

He clearly states he is flagging you for fud, that is censorship.
Cheetah is a little harder to argue with, but clearly flagging you for fud is not accepted by any community I've seen here.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Right, fud is ok, copy and pasting too much of another's work gets slammed by cheetah.
There is a tipping point, if you can figure out how much to put in of your own cheetah will leave you alone.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


It looks like there's some steemians bully groups forming but it doesn't seem to be coming from steemit itself. Flag them back.

Then again, I can't really tell right now. Maybe someone else can explain it...

When enough attention is drawn to how the platform is moderated, and there is CENSORSHIP happening. How many people do you think will support STEEM?
Take note of another STEEMERS problems with his solution. The people who own STEEM wont be very happy if this continues, because it will effect the price of STEEM!
I am fighting back. I am showing there is a secret sect that can ruin it for new people!
Very FASCIST of 'em also... dontcha think?!?!?!?

Awesome! There should be no shadows to hide here. That's what I think makes it work. Could you make a post for how to help with this problem? I'll try and figure what I can on my own too. Thank you jtest!

When I crack it..
I'll make a post on it. Till then.. pay attention to this post.

Will do. Thanks again!

oh a resteem would not go astray ultramylk

Bear with me, I'm slow learning the steemit ways because I can't give this my full focus right now.. I want to read through and wrap my brain around it before I resteem

never mind Thank You anyway!

Seriously. I'll look into it myself and get back to you. No need for blowing me off.

Thank You!