in steemitchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)

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A very wealthy man had just one son called junior whom he tried to make in his image and after his likeness by sending him to the best of schools, feeding him with the best of food, clothing him with the best of clothes and shoes, the best of cars and houses was not left out of the equation and all his father demanded from him for all this showers of love was for junior to take his name with pride and pen it down in gold through hard work, selflessness and dedication so that through him the father can feel awe, greatness and allure.

Like the biblical prodigal son, Junior became swept away by the trills of life, he was no longer interested in the majors of life because there was nothing fun about it but ohhh the minors on the other hand was so much fun that it will make a child have a fun rush not sugar rush. He kept the worst of friends, became an addicted drunk, arrested several time because of drugs and the name he was to write in gold was written in black ink .

He one day had a big fight with his father so big that he took is bags and left home because according to him he was tired of being victimized by his father and he need fresh air desperately.
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Days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years and finally the father grew tired of waiting so he called all the major news paper firm he knew his son will peradventure pick up to read and he paid them to put just one message on the front pages of their news paper; " junior daddy misses you, please let's meet at Dalton's hotel on the 2nd of this month so we can have a heart to heart and settle our differences."

The man couldn't wait for that day to come, he was vibrating with lot of excitement for finally he will be seeing his son again after a very long time. When the deal day finally came, he wore his best of robs, sprayed his best of perfume and drove his best of car to the venue of the meeting but it was difficult for him to gain access into the hotel because there were so many young men of his son's age all standing outside with some inside the hostel and when he finally forced his way into the hotel, he told the receptionist he has a meeting with his son junior at the hotel that day and the receptionist replied "which one, sir". "What do you mean by which one " ,the man protested and the receptionist said to him "all this young men outside and inside are all called junior sir" and they are all here because they read on the pages of the news paper that their father wants to reconcile with them. hmmm. "you are not serious", the man protested again and called out loud to his son but amazing all the the young men answered.
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He finally realized that not only his junior was missing from home, he realised his junior was just one in the many missing junior but the issue was his junior didn't show up that day. He still choose to remain in a self conferred exile.

How far down the rabbit hole are you, even if you think you are irredeemable he is saying my arms are still opened wide asking you to come Isaiah 1:18.
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He didn't Judge the the women caught in adultery so why will he Judge you? John 8:2-11., Romans 8:1

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Yeah He sees us as righteous people and not sinners.

That's true but we always pup on his love.