When life is....

in steemitchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Life is miserable if you don't know how to handle it. Life is priceless if you don't value time. Life is exaggerated if you give too much on it. Life is full of bullies if you act like a nobody. Life is full of comments-- either positive or negative. Life listen to the negative comments than the positive one.

People questioned God many times. They'll ask God, "Why am I here?" and "Do I need to end up my life here? It's too much." Even when we fret, life chases us. Even when we fight 'till the final round, life knocks us down. Even when we give everything to our own life, life mocks us down. We have many "what ifs" in mind.

You were not created to be a loser. God created you to become a conqueror. You are more than a conqueror! Fight back the life-- the other side of life that tries to binds you.

It's not you're manly power that can set you free. It's God who can break the chain that tethered you right now. I want you to surrender everything to God right now. Pray earnestly and fervently that He will guide your step and your life.

After seeking God, you cannot feel the pain. You will never entertain life problems anymore. I want to end this with a verse.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."(John 16:33)

God bless you! :)

Remind yourself of this motivational quote.

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how old are you?

I am 17 years old. :)

Yeah! We are more than conquerors no can defeat us reminded me this song! Nothing is impossible if God is with Us.. And it also reminds me how blessed i am to be a daughter of God..Thanks for posting it..God bless us always!

Thank youuuuu! <3 God bless you, brethren. (: