Why do I need to get exercise - Information for teens

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

It's a new year and most people have the same resolution - I am going to loose weight or eat more healthy or exercise more.  Most of the time these resolutions last only until the end of January and then we fall back into our old habits.  

But exercise is very important - you cannot just sit around the whole day and never move. Lets look at a few reasons why exercise is good for you and will definitely make your life better.

It helps you sleep better

Who does not like to get a good night's sleep?  If you have exercised you will automatically sleep better, partly because you are more tired and your body needs to rejuvenate itself after the exercise.  You will get up the next morning feeling refreshed, because you had enough rest.

I helps you release stress

Even if you believe that you are not a stressed out person, we all have stress in our lives, be it your parents, siblings or school.  The coming exams can be stressful or even just attending a social event.  To exercise releases 'feel good hormones' called endorphins, dopamine and serotonin and that makes you feel happier and more relaxed and in turn reduces your stress or anxiety,

It will make you stronger

The first thing you think about when you think of exercise, is your muscles are going to become stronger.  You will have more endurance and will also loose weight, but not only will your body become stronger, but also your brain.  Who does not want a strong brain?  The part of the brain that is responsible for you to remember things, is called the 'hippocampus' and during exercise the proteins that are released will make your brain more healthy and you will have a better memory.  

Exercise also does not only make your muscles stronger, but it will also make your bones stronger and the bones help to keep your body upright, which means your posture will also become better.

The more you exercise, the better your core strength will become and that means that you will also have better balance and will not be prone to get hurt easily.

It helps you to concentrate

You need to study for a test and you cannot seem to keep your mind still in one place - you are thinking about a lot of other things and it feels like your brain is hopping all over the place.  What type of exercises will help to increase concentration that you will be able to focus?

It makes your heart happy

If your jog or walk or play a game outside, your heartbeat is going to rise and the faster your heart beats, the more the muscles contract, which means you are also giving your heart some exercise and more oxygen is pumped with the blood to the rest of the body.  The exercise will also help to lower your blood pressure.

Boost your self confidence

Yes, we all want that beautiful body which other people admire, but we all have our own build and a lot of people will never have that, but that does not mean you must just decide to give up exercise.  

Besides the fact that exercise is good for your overall health, it will also boost your self-esteem.

If you feel healthier, you will feel better about yourself and in turn you would want to exercise more.  It is not always easy to start exercising but take 'little steps'.  You do not have to run a marathon the first day, but it is important to get yourself off the couch.

Young people must be active for at least 1 hour per day.  

So get up and start that muscles and heart beating to a healthier you.

Love your body, love yourself, love health. 

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Try intermittent fasting 16:8 to start.
Drink apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons mixed with water drank with a straw before bed. Both will benefit sleep, insulin sensitivity and overall health.

Thanks for the advice

Good tips thank you

Exercise is one easy way of staying healthy, it is more of like the maintenance service of the human body. Although a lot of people blame their tight schedule or long working hours for not being able to do some work on out, it is important to engage in periodic exercise to stay fit and Ultimately healthy.

Exercise is really helpful for us, in every aspect of our life. There is not single negative effect of it.
Exercise is a part of Sleep Hygiene . So we should make it a habit.

Informative Article Thank you for share the tips of weightless. i also have the weight problem @anneke

very nice and informative post. I just came to know why i often find myself in stress and anxiety. it's due to sleeplessness. keep sharing :)

Thank you - yes stress can be the cause of many things

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @alaminbinamir
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
Thank-you @annekefor supporting

thank you for a helpful post
keep it up
dear @anneke

Thank you

I need to get exercise brother. great posted.
follow me ok.gif

I did not know this information,thank you
