Holidays should be classed as educational. Part 2 -Sensory overload!

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

It seems that you enjoyed part 1, thank you and for those who haven't seen the video at the end of part 1, you can now go and view it(I had left the video setting on private, Doh!).

In part 2, we continue to look at how a family holiday, can be just as educational for a child, when compared with conventional schooling. Education of any kind is a plus, but I do not agree with compulsory education, especially when we are dictated to, about how we can, and cannot, educate our own children. If that wasn't enough, our School Governors, see fit to impose fines, on any family who dare to step out of line.

Sometimes, cases of parents 'Home-schooling' have resulted in friction, between the Parents and authorities. Normally, this results in a battle of attrition being waged, by the Social Services, against the parents.

In the very worse cases, we have found that attempts to move away from, main-stream, schooling, have led to children being taken into care. Please visit @familyprotection for more information.

With all of that out of the way, I am pleased to inform you, that will be the last you will hear, about the darker side of this subject.

I want to show, positively, how ridiculous it is for our Schools to be imposing heavy fines and ridiculous punishments, to families who take their children out of school, within 'term-time'.

So, I present my-own experience, as evidence to support the, growing, realisation, that educating a Child is about more than exams, detentions and classrooms. The world has a lot more to offer us than that, let me show you.

Part 2 - Off to the, sunny, Gold Coast of Australia


After being left, utterly, in awe, of what Binna-Burra had shown me, the tranquility, the beauty, the peace and quiet..........

..................... Oh, sorry, I drifted back to the Tambourine mountain. Back with you now.

My personal experience of, 3 days, exploring a beautiful slice of Nature, had slowed my heartbeat to that of an Elephant. I have never felt so calm in all my life.

Now I have set the mood, you may agree with me, that choosing to spend the next 3 days, at Paradise Resort, in one of the busiest cities in Australia, may not have been the greatest idea.

As if God was testing my extremes, when we arrived, we were informed that it should be really busy. Oh boy, was it busy?!!!

It was, bloody, 'Spring-break'!!! And the town was full of, exuberant, teenagers, racing around on motorcycles, making a mess and generally doing what, 16, to18 year old's, do.

I remember it well....

In fairness to them, they were no real problems and it was fun to watch all the adolescent madness. My daughter was very interested in it all and left me with some difficult situations to explain. As much as I found it all very disorientating and a little annoying, there were moments when I couldn't help see the lighter side of the situation.

One of which, was while my daughter and I were cooking food, at the, communal, Barbecues. Five, very pretty, 18 year old, girls, began using the grill next to ours. Australians are quite friendly folk and it wasn't long before one of the girls said, 'Good-day'. After giving them a, brief, introduction, the girl, excitedly, announced that they had just finished a cheer-leading competition and were now on a 'girly-holiday', after which they sprang into a, spontaneous, performance.

I can honestly say that I did not know where to look. The floor seemed the safest bet but I didn't want to be rude, so I began giving extra attention to the grill. Haha! I don't know what did more revolutions, the girls, or that steak!

I'm sure my daughter found it fascinating though.





Although the, Warner, theme-park, would not have been my preferred attraction to visit, the holiday was now to focus on doing what Chloe wanted to do. After the day was done it was all smiles and I had brilliant time. As much as I would like to deny it, the American cheese had me clapping along to the, brilliant parades. It got to the point where it was pointless to fight it and sometimes you got to just go with the flow...



Now this part was extraordinary. Our day, spent at, Currumbin's, animal sanctuary, showed us how caring and enlightened Australians have become.

Australians, who have migrated there over the last 200 years, have been changing their ways and learning how they must preserve the, surrounding, nature. With a history of hunting, that pushed many species to the edge of extinction, this day was such an EDUCATIONAL, and spiritual, experience. The day also left me with a video I will treasure forever.


A Tasmanian Devil!


While we plodded around the, winding, paths, we made sure to tick off all the markers. The park had a challenge, like most do, to learn about the animals and then relay this information, to earn the next stamp. Because this was an animal-sanctuary and not a Zoo, they even had a, large, medical-bay, where they preformed, veterinary, operations, behind a clear glass windows. We both wanted to become vets, there and then.

It seems the Koalas, who are only found in Australia, are having a really rough time right now. With the increase of civilisation and industry, encroaching on their, natural, habitat, Koalas are pushed, too close, to dangers they aren't prepared for.

Dog attacks and collisions with vehicles, are the main reasons, why seeing a Koala, in the wild, has become, almost, impossible. To the point where the reply we received, when stating that we would love to see a Koala, was, "Ha, you'll be lucky, maybe at the Zoo". This was a, saddening, realisation and I hope it wasn't lost on Chloe.

While we watched a, sedated, Koala, come back to its senses, a trainee came out-side to speak to us about what they were doing. Such a wonderful young-girl, one with a very promising future in front of her. It must have been, very, inspiring, for my daughter to listen to such a, wise, young-lady and who knows what effect that may have, on my, impressionable, daughter... Whatever the outcome, she is aware the opportunity exists and that there are people in the world, who do very positive things with their lives and spend their time helping the vulnerable.

That's, quite, enough, of the cuddly Koalas. I think it's time to see the beast!

BOSS-HOG - Please listen and learn how this, magnificent, monster, found his way to Carrumbin Sanctuary.


Amazing right? But believe it or not, none of that was to top what came next.

Chloe and I, made our way to the Bird-show, that was due to start in the next 15 minutes. There were plenty of folk, lining up to watch the performance and it was a relief that once seated, we still had a good view of what was about to happen. We had no clue as to what the display was going to be like, or what kind of show we could expect. Fortunately, as the video will show, I sat us down in exactly the right place and I think my voice tells you, just, how amazed I was.

I have to show you this video. Titan was one of my favourite birds. Poor boy, he never saw it coming.

Isn't Titan great?!

I hope you enjoyed part 2 of our, Australian, adventure and please come back for part 3!

We had an amazing time at the Gold Coast and after these, action-packed, 3 days, it was time to set off. Neither of us could, quite, comprehend everything we had seen, in such a short time. After all these, fantastic, experiences, it was hard to believe, we were only 7 days in and still had, so much, more to see!!

We always knew this was going to be good, but this place just kept on taking our breath away.

In part 3, I will take you through 10 days spent in the gorgeous city of Sydney. It was now my turn, to be re-united with some, long-lost, friends.


For those who missed part 1, or you didn't get to watch the video at the end, because some idiot left the privacy setting on, here is a link for you to follow -

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Written by Rebel Dan.

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This great nature my friend..I appreciate your post my friend...Thanks for sharing your valuable content...Carry on your my friend..

Cheers bro.

Thanks my friend...

This is great natural post.... i already seen your vedio and this post is educational for us ....