in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

Grow up is the right thing to do. 

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There is a big difference between growing up and growing old. 

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We all grow older if we are lucky enough to get the chance.

 Sometimes there will be people who die young from illness, or accidents but normally if you live a good life you can grow old.

 It is not your choice but the choice that God has made for you.


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What I want to tell you today is this. If you do get the chance to grow old, learn to grow up as well. We all have dreams, and all of us cannot always fulfil the dream when things in our life happen. 

Just remember that we plan but it is still up to God what happens. 

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Sometimes it is just bringing up kids, other times there can be other reasons. But it does not matter how old you get, you must always hold onto your dreams. 

Even if you are old you might just get the chance to fulfil that dream and what a wonderful feeling it would be.


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Remember we have only one chance to live our life, and if we do not make the best of it, it is lost for ever. 

I am one of those lucky people who have a husband who helps me fulfil all my dreams. He has always just been a pillar of strength and he can motivate anyone. 

We are really getting old now and there are not too many dreams that we had, that we did not fulfil. But one thing we both did we grew up and did not stay silly and expect things to come our way. 

We both worked very hard at having a good marriage, wonderful children and the most wonderful grandchildren in the world. 

We are now teaching them to fulfil their dreams as they still have time. It must be terrible to realise you are not going to be on this beautiful earth much longer and, you have not done anything you wanted to when you were young. 

Youth if a privilege that should be enjoyed. But doing it in a grownup way is very important.  If you do not grow up you will never be able to help your children to live the right way, and they will just do as they like. 

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Never rush into anything, work out how and when you want to do it. Then do it in a grownup way. 

The word grownup might sound silly, but there are really people who grow older and never grow up.  They are the ones who get into trouble and do not always have good lives. 

I just want to say this is how we lived our lives and, we really enjoyed it. So there might be people who disagree with me, but that is their right. Everyone has a right to do with their life what they want, but just remember there is only one and, there will not be a second chance.

 So think about this and have a wonderful day from me.


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Great writing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really it's an important post, every people have dreams but they can't full fill and chance is only one, so we will have to be planning before growing old, its true. And you are such lucky women that you have full fillled your dreams, thanks to share and upvoted.

I like this steemiteducation.
I like this your writing.

That's a great growing this it..
But I appreciate your every post..
Thanks for sharing...

Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post..
Thanks for sharing...

your writing is really great.

I am very inspired with your post I need your help @bigbear

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I like this your writing.
Thanks for sharing this steemiteducation.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

great writing,my dear friend @bigbear,i really really love this post all time,thank you for sharing with us,

Excellent,we always learn your post..Thanks a lot sharing this valuable post!..be countinue..

a beautiful work! great content

Great lesson.... you have nicely described the difference between growing up and growing old. Thanks for sharing the beautiful content.

i really love this all post Thanks for sharing this steemiteducation.

Very nice, your writing is really amazing. I like writing such a story.beautiful content.Thanks sir, for such a beautiful post to pass on us

Great contain.
Thanks for helping me learn a lot by sharing it.

Happy Steeming.

Nice post friend congratulations

What wise words, dear friend @bigbear, there are many people and good things on this planet that are worth living for, but many times we do not realize it and we spend time without reflecting on our life. People waste time complaining about what they do not have. we must live every second of our lives as if it were the first as if it were the last, love and enjoy our loved ones, tomorrow we do not know if they will be with us and we will only have the dreams fulfilled and the memories of the moments together.

this is really wonderful