Pelayanan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus ( Inklusi )

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 


The visit of the school committee in the delivery of inclusive student assistance at the State Elementary School 10 Syamtalira Bayu in coordination with the North Aceh District government in developing the quality of education for inclusion children today there is no difference in the teaching and learning process that no longer takes sides to the normal physical child from children who are not normal or called children with special needs that we must guide like a child with limited mentality.
So with this we have to create a school that can accommodate children with special needs so that our children no longer be a difference between a capable child and a child with special needs (inclusion) so that our country can eliminate a sense of partiality to children who does not have the same ability as a perfect child because our country symbolizes a country that does not distinguish between race, ethnicity and religion so that we can draw the conclusion that we should not distinguish learners with special needs (inclusion) with children who are not in need special (normal).


With the inclusion program for students who do not have the ability that is appropriate for other students then the spirit of learning is created for learners who have special needs in the interest of learning to compete in improving the same quality for learners who can afford with learners who need specialized in reaching all the ideals that want to achieve, without any difference anddontara children with special needs with normal children.
we educators are very supportive if in every district or every district of the establishment of a school or academic ysng nisa accommodate the students or children with special needs in doing teaching and learning activities like normal children that they have the same interests and ideals the same to enliven the future of this nation and country.


We are educators who are only able to serve a country like a Civil Servant who earns a salary from the government while we are contract workers or devoted personnel to a school that only gets a little effort managed by the school so that we are able and willing to work for advancing the future of the nation's children who will realize all their ideals.


Hanya sekian dari saya untuk paparan yang menghatkan siswa atau peserta didik yang ada di sekelilingi kita yang masih tergolong anak yang berkebutuhan khusus untuk tidak lagi merasa asing dalam sistem belajar mengajar dengan peserta didik yang normal lainnya. Karena kita manusia punya derajat yang sama cuma fisik kita aja yang berbeda namun hakikat kita sama di mata sang pencipta apalagi ketika kita bisa taat kepadaNya malahan kita yang menjadi derajat paling tinggi di bandingkan manusia yang normal, maka dari itu kita tidak perlu takut akan apa yang terjadi pada kita karena semua akan indah pada waktunya .

Salam hormat saya selaku tenaga pengajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 10 Syamtalira Bayu dan kepada seluruh kru yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam mengambil bagian dalam mewujudkan anak anak peserta didik kita yang berkebutuhan khusus untuk bisa lebih maju sama setaranya dengan peserta didik yang normal lainnya agar tidak ada perbedaan fisik antara anak berkebutuhan khusus dengan anak yang normal biasanya. namun wujud dari ini tidak akan berhasil tanpa ada dukungan dari pihak keluarga terutama dan masyarakat umumnya dan lebih khususnya lagi kepada teman teman saya yang seperjuangan andil dalam mengambil bagian untuk mensejahterakan anak anak didik kita untuk bisa lebih maju dalam menjalankan aktivitas belajar mengajar dan agar bisa mencapai segala cita cita yang di harapkan nantinya. amin


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