The Importance of Knowing The Causes that Make Children Unconfident

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemians! A few days ago I have shared a post about the importance of growing confidence in children's personality, there I also have explained about how to build the confidence of children and how to criticize the children's behavior which are not good or bad. For those of you who have not already read it yet, please click Here. Okay, in this article I will discuss with you about the causes that make children unconfident.

Each parent would want to have a confident child. They are happy to see their children active in useful activities, not afraid to hang out with anyone, not afraid to appear or not embarrassed to speak in front of the crowd, and he has achievements in a field, and so on. Parents must be happy and flattered by the achievements their children gain through confident.

But if the desire is not helped by the mental education of the family, especially father and mother,
and then not helped by the environment and the educators, certainly, a good goal for children to have a high level of confidence, will not be achieved. Here are some of the causes of child lose confidence.

  • Children are very often in command and are forbidden, to the point of shutting down their creativity because it is too rigid to rule and forbid. Sometimes a parent is too tight to arrange the child with whom he can play, what type of toys to play, or what kind of clothing she may wear, even when taking a child away to pick her own clothes, parents are also too involved with her child's choices. Turning off the creativity of children can reduce the confidence of children in doing their work. Children who are usually treated so, when given the mandate of work will always wait for direction and affirmation from others, and he has no personal impulse and no firmness in making his choice.

  • Very often criticize a child's work or appearance. Some parents are too fussy to point out the mistakes of their children, he rebukes this one and reprimands that one. Sometimes the child has tried to do his work, it still gets reproach. Yet at that time the child needed an award for the results of his efforts, and not a reproach. When the child brings a glass of water to the father, then accidentally the glass fell, water spilled while the glass broke. Then the mother scolded and said "How many glasses have you destroyed, is there nothing you can do but be careless? "Of course this will bring down the child's mental.

This is my post today. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope my article is received and useful to you all.
Best regards @fataelrumy!

Penyebab Anak Tidak Percaya Diri

Setiap orang tua pasti ingin memiliki anak yang percaya diri. Mereka bahagia melihat anak mereka aktif dalam kegiatan yang bermanfaat, tidak takut bergaul dengan siapa pun, tidak takut tampil atau tidak malu berbicara dihadapan orang banyak, dan ia punya prestasi dalam suatu bidang, dan seterusnya. Orang tua pasti ikut tersanjung dengan pencapaian yang diperoleh anak berkat percaya dirinya.

Tapi bila keinginan itu tidak dibantu dengan pendidikan mental dari keluarga, terutama ayah dan ibu, kemudian tidak dibantu oleh lingkungan dan para pendidik, tentu cita-cita yang baik agar anak memiliki tingkat percaya diri yang tinggi, tidak akan tercapai. Berikut ini ada beberapa penyebab anak kehilangan rasa percaya diri.

  • Anak terlalu banyak diperintah dan dilarangan.

Sampai-sampai mematikan kreatifitasnya karena terlalu ketat memerintah dan melarang. Kadang-kadang orang tua terlalu ketat mengatur anak dengan siapa ia boleh bermain, jenis mainan apa yang boleh dimainkan, atau model pakaian apa yang boleh dia pakai, bahkan ketika mengajak anak pergi ketoko untuk memilih pakainnya sendiri, orang tua juga terlalu ikut campur dengan pilihan anaknya. Mematikan kreatifitas anak dapat mengurangi rasa percaya diri anak dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Anak-anak yang biasa diperlakukan demikian, ketika diamanahi pekerjaan akan selalu menunggu pengarahan dan penegasan dari orang lain, dan ia tidak mempunyai dorongan dari pribadi dan tidak pula memiliki ketegasan dalam menentukan pilihannya.

  • Terlalu sering mencela pekerjaan atau penampilan anak.

Sebagian orang tua terlalu cerewet menunjukkan kesalahan anak. Tegur ini dan tegur itu. Kadang-kadang ia sudah berusaha mengerjakan pekerjaannya, ternyata masih mendapat celaan. Padahal saat itu anak butuh penghargaan untuk hasil usahanya, dan bukan celaan. Ketika anak membawa segelas air untuk ayah, lalu tanpa sengaja gelas itu jatuh, air tumpah sedangkan gelas ikut pecah. Kemudian ibu mencaci dan berkata " Sudah banyak gelas yang kamu pecahkan. Apakah tidak ada yang dapat kamu lakukan selain ceroboh? " Tentu hal ini akan menjatuhkan mental anak.

Demikianlah posting saya hari ini. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi blog saya, semoga artikel saya diterima dan bermanfaat bagi anda semua...
Salam @fataelrumy!


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Many children suffer from inferiority complex due to many raging factors.
But i will only discuss on parenting issues, some parents are so strict towards their children with the aim of correcting them, i feel things shouldnt always go that way because, it makes the relationship between such children and their parents farther, they wont be able to open up on issues.They would also lack confidence if their parents make most choices for them. Parents should always believe in their children,they should be given the room to decide on issues and make choices. So if they make a wrong choice, they should be corrected with love and be given another trial. With these their confidence would be built.

Yeah, this is a good comment, I agree with you. Thank you very much seanmalex ..

I will give some advice your child to have a good sense of confidence, among them are:

  1. Do not scare
    Sometimes to make your child a deterrent or you want your child not to do something you do not expect, the most efficient way to use is to frighten him. However, have you ever considered the long-term effects? Fraudulent habits in the long run can make a person easily pessimistic, the habit can be embedded in the minds of a person so that his influence is only visible when someone will make a decision. You should tell the real reason why it is forbidden for him to do so in such a way that the child has a clear reason not to do so.
  2. Do not scold for no apparent reason
    Challenge as a parent is heavy, sometimes it affects your emotions. I remember when I was a kid one time my parents scolded me for no apparent reason, as my son was unable to defend himself and prefer to remain silent in the room. Of course you may be angry, but your anger must have an excuse, so the child will know the wrong and hopefully not repeat the same mistake

You are a good comment edyjoss.
Thank you very much :)

You are welcome fataelrumy

Very good post for education about thanks for sharing

Thank you very much :)

Kami sudah upvote yah..