in steemiteducation •  7 years ago  (edited)


This is how the day is called when thousands of South Africans, not too long ago, wore the color of mourning to show their respect to all victims murdered in the country and to the victims of farm murders.

This fit of protest has been instigated by the killing of the 47-year old Joubert Conradie on his farm close to Cape Town and the touching video message by his friend, Chris Loubser, released on social media, shortly after his friend was shot.

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Joubert who left his wife and children, Hannes (15) and Jana (11), behind, became the face of an emotional issue overnight of farm murders and a farming community who feels besieged in a country where everybody over all borders suffers from crime.


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Please be aware of graphic material.

Crime affects all of us and must not become something that divides us.

Statistics released last month by the government shows an increase in the murder rate in South Africa, from 18 673 in 2016 to already 19 016 to date this year. This makes it 343 or an increase of 1,8% more murders so far, and it is not the end of 2017 yet.
The police do not keep separate statistics on farm murders, but several organizations keep their own record which can differ from one another.
Farm murders have increased between 2012 and 2016 with 33%. So far in 2017, 70 people already lost their lives in farm attacks. This is according to the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).
The biggest problem is that statistics and data get maladjusted for political purposes or a specific political agenda. This contributes greatly to the fact that no solution can be reached against crime or the killing of farmers. Farm attacks influence white and black farmers, farmworkers and everybody’s next of kin.

  • Family slaughtered while watching TV
  • Old lay murdered
  • Women chopped into pieces
  • Little white kids are horribly murdered
  • Women raped, stung up & gutted

White Genocide

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Black on White Genocide

White farmers are the target of aggression and the murders are not accidental or common crimes. If you look at the barbaric way in which farmers are killed, they are slaughtered and terrorized in a horrific, evil manner. Children are killed in front of their parents, wives and mothers are gang-raped in front of their husbands and children. Men are massacred with pangas, illegal guns, and machetes.

Is White Genocide Real in South Africa?

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Ethnic Cleansing

The majority is on a mission of ethnic cleansing, with the repeated quote “Africa is for Africans” and most are drawn to this mission. They claim that it is not the white man who built South Africa. It is the exploitation of cheap labor that built the country and it was the manipulation of whites that stole everything the black man worked for. Most are blinded by their hatred and cannot think outside the box, that it was indeed the white population who brought knowledge, skills, and education to South Africa. In a democratic South Africa, you are not allowed to say anything in this direction, then you will be branded as a racist and taken to court. But unfortunately, you cannot wipe out the history of a country.

The Silence of the Government and Media

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Cause of Hatred

Apartheid was very wrong and is most probably the cause of all the hatred towards white South Africans. Even though there was segregation, there was justice, a good working infrastructure, and housing for all. The lives of all South Africans mattered. Crime and terrorism were not tolerated. The evil acts of terrorism to overpower a government was treason. Most of the people wanted freedom and democracy. I was one who fought for that freedom and democracy, just to find myself not free anymore. Black and white have been forced to live in a prison environment. High walls decorated with barbed wire and electric fencing, surveillance cameras, armed response, alarms, more watchdogs than a person can afford and other safety measures. Is this freedom? I was lucky enough to have tasted what real freedom was.

Freedom of Speech in a Democratic SA

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Freedom and democracy were given to the African National Congress (ANC) party in 1994. It was under this new democracy that South Africa began to understand the hatred and violence of black people towards white people. With each passing year, white people are targeted, attacked, murdered, bludgeoned to death in the most horrific manner.
White people, the minority group in South Africa, are dominated, isolated and brutally murdered. White people are not paranoid but filled with fear. We feel that there is no hope for whites in South Africa, there is a slow genocide happening and as the white population dwindles, so does the hope of survival. Black people have the power and are in control, yet they blame the whites for the current corrupt governance.

Julius Malema, the Architect of Hate

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It is the mindset of the majority that argues that the white population are nothing other but thieves, racists, and manipulators. Whites are perceived as having a racist superiority with limited knowledge. Whites are also considered as dumb, lazy, daft and ignorant and only live in their small world of whiteness. All these accusations spell out hatred towards the minority.

Encourage to Hate

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Politicians to successful business people, energize and encourage the majority to hate the white minority.
The majority will never move forward if the hatred toward whites, corruption, and greed remain. The rest of Africa tells the true story of African dominance and failure.
The majority will argue that the pale white face murdered millions of Africans, stole gold, mineral resources, and land and become economically empowered to the expense of the black man.

Please Help

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People have been campaigning and petitioning for help all over the world, for years now. Genocide is a reality and people are angry and afraid of the future.
Over the years the violent assaults on whites have been macabre and more frequent. As laws are implemented to exclude whites from the workplace, it places an additional burden on families to survive. When white children are bullied and assaulted in schools, the reality of racial hatred materialize. When white women are gang-raped by black men, the will to live disappears.

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There is antagonism towards the white people and as long as the architects of hate speech continue to invigorate hatred and indoctrinating the uneducated, unemployed blacks, there will never be a peaceful resolution.

Let us all take hands and pray for SA. The majority of us want to live in peace

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, follow me @frieda

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Great Post Frieda, I really hope they find a way to stop the killing, I personally know a farmer who was murdered in the town I grew up in, a guy I went to school with was also attacked and beaten and left for dead, but he was found in time to save his life, but he has brain injuries so severe that he does not know who he is and he will never be able to take care of himself again.

For someone to do something like that you really must be so primitive mentally.

Thank you for reading. It is very troublesome to know that you still have a good chance to be killed, in spite of all the security measures taken.
I believe that there will be a turning point one day. We cannot continue like this indefinitely.
It gets very personal when the killings involve your family and friends. It is beyond me that people can be so cruel.

The refusal of people everywhere to acknowledge this is astounding...

And it is not stopping!