Mr. Balu Sold his Buffalo: A 7th Grade Story in Improving Infinitive Verb and Simple Past Form

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

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Mr. Balu was a hard worker and an honest man, but he was stupid. One day his wife told him to sell their buffalo. “Sell it for two hundred and fifty rupiahs, not one rupiah less!” she said. Mr. Balu agreed. Mr. Balu was stupid, but he knew he must always agree with his wife. She was a strong woman.

While Mr. and Mrs. Balu were talking, the village bad man, Mr. Pablo, was listening. He made a plan to get the buffalo. Away he went to get two other bad men, Mr. Oscar and Mr. Juan, to help him with his plan.

The next day Mr. Balu took the buffalo to the market. On the road he met Mr. Pablo. Mr. Pablo looked at the buffalo and said, “I’ll give 50 rupiahs for your goat”.

Mr. Balu was angry. “Do you think I’m stupid”, he said. “That’s not a goat. That’s a buffalo!”. Next Mr. Balu met Mr. Oscar. They greeted each other. Mr. Oscar asked how much Mr. Balu wanted for his animal. “Two hundred and fifty rupiahs”, said Mr. Balu.

Mr. Oscar said, “Two hundred and fifty rupiahs? That’s too much for a goat! I’ll give you fifty rupiahs.”

Mr. Balu didn’t answer, but he was getting confused. Was this animal a goat or a buffalo? Next Mr. Balu met Mr. Juan. They greeted each other. Mr. Juan said that he was going to the market to buy a goat. How much do you want for your goat?” He asked Mr. Balu.

Mr. Balu was very confused. “Goat or buffalo?” he said to himself. “Two hundred and fifty rupiahs”, he said to Mr. Juan.

“What?” shouted Mr. Juan. “You must be joking!”

“It must be a goat,” Mr. Balu said to himself. “Okay”, he said to Mr. Juan. “I’ll sell you my goat for fifty rupiahs.”

Mrs. Balu was surprised to see her husband come home early. When she heard the story, she was extremely angry. I won’t tell you everything she said. Sometimes she said very bad things about her husband. When she finished insulting him, she said, “Get the two hundred and fifty rupiahs back or I’ll kill you with this bamboo pole.”

I told you she was very annoyed, didn’t I?

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Answer these questions!

  1. Was Mr. Balu an intelligent man?
  2. Did Mrs. Balu tell her husband to sell the buffalo?
  3. Was Mrs. Balu a weak woman?
  4. Was Mr. Pablo Mr. Balu’s best friend?
  5. Did Mr. Pablo tell Mr. Balu that his animal was a goat?
  6. Did Mr. Juan say 250 rupiahs was too much for a goat?
  7. Did Mr. Balu sell a goat to Mr. Oscar?
  8. Was Mrs. Balu pleased with the price her husband got for the animal?
  9. Did Mrs. Balu say nice things about her husband?
  10. Find the Verb (Simple Past) in the story above and write down the basic form (Infinitive Verb)!

For Example:

Simple PastInfinitive

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I enjoyed reading this. Took me back to schooldays

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @sayee, really appreciate about your nice words.

What a lovely story with a great concept behind it. Very awesome !!

Thanks @jaynie for nice comments.
Really appreciate your supports.