America's "Free" Market: the American System

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago  (edited)

Henry Clay was a politician who was critical of “laissez faire” market economics. He came up with an economic plan in the early 1800s called the American System. One of its key aspects was the Second Bank of the United States, another central bank to replace the first one, whose charter had expired.

It also raised tariffs higher, over a period of 12 years from 1816 to 1828. The tariffs topped out in 1833. These tariffs were to protect industries and businesses, mostly in the north of the US. They were threatened by the competition of low-priced imported goods, but rather than compete and lower their own prices, they asked the government to give them an advantage by charging a tax on imports that got as high as 38 percent.

The fact that a non-free-market, protectionist system complete with a governmental central bank could be named the American System proves the point that America's markets have never been free.

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The first things companies do when they form a more perfect union is to establish a government that will subsidize them, protect them from competition, and pass laws to force/encourage their citizens buy from them.