Steemiteducation Homework: What is the most satisfying experience I have ever had as a teacher?

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

This post is in response to @steemiteducation's weekly homework. See the original post here

Being a Swimming Instructor

Earlier this year, I enrolled myself in a Water Lifesaving Refresher Course at a Swimming Pool in my locality. I, together with a bunch of students and applicants were reeducated on the basic swimming strokes. We were taught how to swim the front crawl, breast stroke and side stroke. Perhaps I will talk about my experience some other time. Anyways, my point is that I got accepted to work part-time in Cebu City Sports Center as a Swimming Coach.

We were given students according to the number of students who enrolled in a class. We would handle one student for one hour each day for two weeks, not including weekdays. A total of 10 days were allotted for each student to complete either Basic, Intermediate or Advanced course.

In my case, I mostly handled students in the Basic course. This means that I teach students who have no background with swimming, roughly around the ages of 4 -10 years old (although some students aged 14 above still take the basic course, in some cases). I would like to say that being a swimming instructor was a really positive experience for me.

A lot of factors contributed to the satisfaction I had as a Swimming instructor. Here is one scneario I had which contributed to the joy I experienced as a teacher:


Seeing your student have fun

Children are naturally afraid of strangers. It is of their nature not to trust immediately people they have only met. It is a natural mechanism to protect themselves. As such, it is hard to teach someone who is not comfortable with you. Much more, the pool seems like a scary place for them, especially those who are unfamiliar with the waters.

This creates a rift between the teacher-student relationship. This is why establishing trust and rapport is vital in the early stages of teaching. And the best way to do this is through play. It is one of the most satisfying experiences ever to see your student have fun with your presence. It is so fulfilling to feel the level of comfort a student has on you. It pushes you forward to do more. The smiles I saw underwater made the difficulty of the job so worthwhile. I find it extremely important to allow a child to have fun and be the agent for his enjoyment.

Seeing your student learn and succeed

This has got to be the primary motivation for me as an instructor. The idea of your student learning from you is like hitting the target with a bull's eye. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching the seed you planted grow into its potential.


I have here a screenshot of my personal progress report for one student. The photo shows my notes for one student and includes my plans for the next lessons (with asterisks). I came across this one as I was looking at my notes and it was very satisfying to see my student's progress. It made me feel like I really have a purpose, a mission or a sense of obligation for my student.

After weeks of lessons, a culminating activity was held just for the fun of it. I think it was also a means to motivate the students. Children of these ages are often very competitive and strive towards excellence. That was also a great way to give those with potential a chance to have exposure.


I was the proudest instructor to see one of my students win the competition! I have been with her for 2 weeks and I have seen how much she has grown. And I could only stand in awe seeing her on that pedestal as she wore the gold medal around her neck. It was very much inspiring to see her grow and succeed. Much more, it melts my heart o come to a deep realization that I was a stepping stone for her. Being a teacher is such a great experience.


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great job as an instructor @josejirafa! I know how to swim but I'm not quite good at it. Maybe your students can beat me without effort. haha

Thanks so much @reewritesthings. There is a learning curve to porper swimming strokes but anyone can learn with the right instruction. I read your introduction post. I feel we will get along fine. I love poetry and books as well. Caligraphy, well not that much. I do make clay art though haha.

Hope to see you around here more often

When I was young,my dad used to throw me in the sea where I can't reach the ocean floor. That's where I learned how to swim. Probinsya style! Haha He said it's the most effective way. Worked out pretty well I guess. I think so too! Can you name some of your favorite books @josejirafa?

Lol yup ive heard how it works. My mother learned that way, got traumatized with the experience so she taught me step by step how to swim hahaha.

Well, I mostly read books of Dan Brown, have read the Hunger games series of Collins and halfway if JK Rwolings HP (due to lack of funds haha). I also rrad classic books such as Sherlock Holmes and The girl with the dragon tattoo

Lately im into philosophy and political books and works suxh as plato's the repuvlic, and machiavelli's the prince.

True! It was traumatizing indeed.
I only like the 2nd book of the Hunger Games Series (Catching Fire), it was very well written compared to the first and the third. Have you read "The Art of War"? I find it very useful not only for war and combat strategy of course haha. But I think some of the key points can be applied in real life.

I have heard a lot about it. My professor is really into it. Would you suggest it? I have a feeling I'm going to love it. Will look for a copy as soon as I can. Thanks for this insight. Any other books you would suggest? I'm looking for a book titled the power of your subconscious mind, heard a lot about it also

Yes, try to give it a read! Hmmm I'll try to look into "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", the title sounds interesting.

Being a teacher is incredible, you're right! Such pride when you see students progress and be proud of themselves. Lovely post. :)

Thanka for stopping by @katrina-ariel. I happened to pass by your post doing yoga and all as well. Lovely! Im fascinating with yoga and meditation as well