It's Okay Having A Frown On Your Face

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

In life there are individuals who are not naturally expressive with their emotions. They can be feeling happy but aren't expressive at showing their emotions and may have a frown on their face instead of a smile when they are in a good mood. There is nothing wrong with not being expressive but sometimes others who are expressive don't understand. They may mistake someone's frown for being miserable when that is a person's natural expression when they are happy.

The following story and my original pictures were inspired by my experiences not being emotionally expressive and shy.

It's Okay Having A Frown On Your Face

Once upon a time there was a puppy named Bella. Bella was a hound dog and had a very happy childhood. Even though she was a happy puppy she wasn't good at showing her emotions. Hound dogs naturally have frowns on their faces all the time. Bella could be happy but she couldn't show it with a smile. She was usually in good spirits but others had a hard time understanding she was joyous when she had a frown on her face.


It made Bella sad when others didn't understand her frown didn't mean she was unhappy. It was embarrassing when others approached her and asked her why she was so sad? She wasn't sad! She was happy but her natural hound dog frown made it seem like she was sad. Her friend Leo the lion would often bother her trying to make her smile and making a big deal that she never grinned. It was embarrassing when he made a big deal out of her hound dog frown and made her feel uncomfortable and unhappy with her appearance.


One day she was sent to the school guidance counselor Mr. Rabbit because her teacher thought something was wrong because Bella never smiled. The guidance counselor thought Bella had problems at home. Bella had a happy life! She had a great family! Why couldn't others understand hound dogs can't smile!


After a while Bella preferred playing by herself. No one picked on her or bothered her about smiling when she played alone. Bella could relax and have fun without others trying to change her into something she wasn't. Bella played basketball on her own and happily got the ball through the goal. Bella was proud she could play basketball.


Bella's favorite game was to play with her favorite rope toy. Puppies love to chew and Bella had a great time playing by herself gnawing her her chew rope! The little puppy was thrilled and overjoyed when she had time to chew on her chew toys!


One thing others never noticed was Bella's eyes....She may not have had a smile on her hound dog face but her bright blue eyes shined with joy!


Moral to the story: Not all people are expressive and show happiness by smiling. Some aren't naturally emotional with their facial expressions. Not all people have an easy time showing happiness with smiles. Even though someone naturally frowns that doesn't mean they are unhappy. There are times people may be perfectly happy but might not be able to show it with facial expressions.

photo credit: all images are my own


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A very good story, @marxrab! So true. Not everyone exhibits their emotions on their face...

Thank you! I'm one of those people. I'm not an emotionally expressive person.

Yes, my friend, @marxrab you are right.... Don't have to judge a person of his face features...
He can be happy, but it looks like his face is not happy.
This lesson is not just for happiness... It can be in everything.... we should not be judged by the appearance....
You became creative in your writings... Keep this wonderful job.

Thank you! I love being creative. I'm glad to teach lessons with my stories.

Cool addition to use the dollies for the storytelling.

I actually happen to be one of those expresionless persons. This actually gave me alot of problems in my relationships, even making me force big smiles so people could notice at one point. In the end though, you just have to accept the way you are.
Some people actually have a smile on their face CONSTANTLY, it can even get scary, cause they're angry but they have this natural expression of smiling. It's so weird.

Sweet story @marxrab ! That bunny really reminds me of myself as a kid back in the day haha

Thanks. They are my daughter's toys. :)

I am also a person who doesn't show facial emotions. Kids use to bug me when I was young for not smiling. It made me uncomfortable. I agree that you have to learn to love yourself. I had spanish teacher once who smiled so big that she looked angry lol. It was weird and that smile was scary!

I've known people like this but I still just wanted to give Bella a big hug. :D

Aww...I'm sure Bella would love a hug. :)

these dolls look very sad and funny

Thanks. I was hoping they were entertaining to look at.

I was a professor and I had a schoolgirl who was studying. She was always a babe. She did not laugh or even smile. I was so bored that I was the reason for that. I asked her bitterly and repeatedly about the reason. But she answered me that she was in a very normal condition. Then there are problems.
I tried to look for the secret of that. I thought she had problems with her family. But in the end I found she was so. I just smiled to show she was artificial.I have never had one before in my life. But this girl amazes me.
Thank you dear @marxrab for the story is very beautiful

Thank you. I'm glad you liked the story. I never smiled much as a kid. I also didn't laugh much. It was just my normal personality. It takes others a while to understand that about me. Thanks for sharing the story about the schoolgirl you know.

Thank you!

Im happy - cant you tell? LOL


Yes, you are absolutely right!

You are so perceptive. This is very much my experience too. People always call me too serious and wondered if I have no sense of humor. The most uncomfortable thing in all of society is those people who want to hug every time we meet.

The reserve is not because I don't like to talk to people and enjoy their company and joking but my whole family was like that while I was growing up which reinforced my reserve. I quite often felt left out and I still do at times.

Unfortunately not doing a lot of laughing or frowning has not kept the wrinkles away!