in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

4th Grade Math - Core Curriculum 

This page contains links to all of my posts on 4th grade math topics. Please click on the links to get to topic specific posts for 4th graders.

Number Sense

Number One Million

Place Value to One Millions

Place Value to Hundred Million

Comparing Numbers to Hundred Millions

Ordering Numbers Worksheets

Adding and Subtracting Multiples of Ten

Rounding Numbers to Nearest Thousand

Rounding Numbers to Nearest Million

Rounding Numbers to Hundred Million

Multi-Digit Addition Worksheets

Multi-Digit Subtraction Worksheets

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems


Metric System of Measurement

Metric Units of Length Conversions

Metric Units of Mass Conversions

Metric Units of Capacity Conversions

Measurement Word Problems


What is a Unit Fraction?

Breaking Apart Fractions

What are Equivalent Fractions?

Equivalent Fractions Worksheets

Comparing Fractions using a Benchmark

Comparing and Ordering fractions using Benchmarks

Comparing Fractions with Same Denominators or Numerators

Ordering Fractions With Same Numerators

Ordering Fractions with Same Denominators

Adding Fractions with Same Denominators

Subtracting Fractions with Same Denominators

Fraction Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Area and Perimeter

Perimeter of a Rectangle

Area of a Rectangle

Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle Worksheets

Area and Perimeter Word Problems

Multiplication & Division

One-Digit Multiplication Worksheets

Multiplying Two-digit Number by One-digit Number

Multiplying Whole Numbers by 10, 100 or 1000

Multiplying with Multiples of 10, 100 or 1000

Multiplying by Two-digit Number

Long Division Level - 1

Basic Long Division Practice

Two Step Long Division by 2, 3 and 4

Two Step Long Division by 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Multi-step Long Division Worksheets

Multiplication and Division Fact Families

Division Word Problems

Factors & Multiples

Even and Odd Numbers

What are Factors of a Number?

Finding All the Factors of a Number

Prime and Composite Numbers

Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

Finding GCF Worksheets

Prime Factorization of a Number

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

Finding Least Common Multiple

GCF and LCM Word Problems


Basic Geometry - Points, Line Segments, Rays and Lines

Introduction to Angles

Types of Angles

Basic Geometry Worksheets

Making a Right Angle Template and Sorting out Angles

Defining Identifying and Drawing Perpendicular Lines

Introduction to Parallel Lines

Angle Measurement - Introduction to a Protractor

Angle Measurement Worksheets

Constructing Angles using a Protractor

Line Symmetry

Line of Symmetry Worksheets

Classification of Triangles Based on Their Sides

Classification of Triangles Based on Their Angles

Constructing Triangles using the given Criteria

An Introduction to Quadrilaterals

A Trapezoid and a Parallelogram

Converting a Parallelogram into a Rectangle

Defining a Rhombus and a Square

Quadrilateral Worksheets

Drawing Basic Shapes on a Triangular Grid

Decimal System

Introduction to Decimal System

Understanding Tenths

Exploring Tenths in Decimals greater than One

Understanding Hundredths

Place Value to Hundredths

Place Value to Hundredths Worksheets

Comparing and Ordering Decimals

Comparing and Ordering Decimals Worksheet

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Value of Money in Decimal Forms

Decimal Word Problems

Below are the links to 2nd grade and 3rd grade math pages, where you can print all the content for 2nd and 3rd grade math students;



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@mukhtarilyas, the basic math is + -: x, that's all that's @mathwotksheets. Good recapitulation of the material. Provides convenience to search according to the theme.

Wonderful worksheets and thanks for sharing all the links :)

thanks for the work done, and links