What to do when your child do not want to go to school.
We find that sometimes a child will think of so many reasons not to go to school and that can be a problem.
What must you do to find out why your child feels this way?
It might be laziness but mostly it is not.
It could be an unhappy child that is bullied and he does not know how to handle it.
I do you suggest that you go and see the teacher and principal to find out if they have any idea why?
I can assure you if it is a good principal he will definitely do his best to help you.
He will make a point of investigating what is causing this problem for the child.
You might not believe it but sometimes there are teachers who do not like a child, and that can also be a problem, yet sometimes a child does not like a teacher that is just how life works.
It is not right, as teachers should treat all children the same, but unfortunately this does sometimes happen.
There are a few things that you can do to prevent this, the child can be moved to another class and the principal should teach the teacher that it is not the way school works.
This does not happen very often as most teachers do their work because they really love it.
Another reason can be that the child is being bullied and really do not know how to handle it.
Why we get children who are bullies I really never understand but mostly it is children who are unhappy at home and then use someone at school to take their frustrations out on.
This child must also be helped as it is not good to have unhappy children, and once you help this child with his problem he might just stop bullying other children.
We must always look at everything from all angles.
Another problem can be that the child is bored and does either know too much or too little and one of the reasons can be that the child has maybe a little hearing problem or even bad eyes.
These are all things that we have to bring into the picture to try and help the parents to get the child to start wanting to go to school.
School is so important that this is a problem that we have to sort out immediately.
Sometimes children are very smart, and they get bored because they learn to quickly.
For that reason, I always tried to put the strong children in the same class, and the ones that were a little slower, even if they are bright in another class.
This will make everyone feel good and there will be no problems with children running behind.
I hope you enjoyed my post and may you have a wonderful day from me here at the Wild Coast.