Calon Alumni politeknik Negeri lhokseumawe (Senin, 2/10/2017)dibekali pelatihan soft skill sebelum menghadapi dunia kerja selama tiga minggu. Pada Pelatihan tersebut yang berjumlah 1200 orang berharap setelah mengikuti softskill mereka mampu bersaing di tingkat nasional dalam bekerja nantinya.
pada materi tersebut dijelaskan tentang bagaimna:
- Cara Pembuatan CV
- Cara Menghadapi Interviewer
- Tips and Trick Test Psikotest
Candidate of Polytechnic Alumni of lhokseumawe State (Monday, 2/10/2017) provided soft skill training before facing work world for three weeks. In the training of 1200 people hope after following softskill they can compete in national level in working later.
on the material explained about how: - How to manufacture CV
- How to Facing Interviewer
- Tips and Trick Test Psikotest