The death of the Earth

in steemiteducation •  6 years ago  (edited)

The death of the Earth

Today I bring you an interesting topic, about the death of our Planet, although this will take millions and millions of years, but the truth is that we are approaching possible catastrophes due to the loss of ice from many glaciers, due to the warming of the seas , that would cause floods.

The future destiny of the Earth is completely related to the Sun, within several billions of years the sun will begin to undergo changes in its chemical composition and will come to an end, will swell to multiply many times its size and before shrinking and Slowly cool down, the life of the Earth will disappear and the seas will boil and evaporate before the eternal cold covers it under a thick layer of ice and icy gases.


In 1,400 million years, the oceans will have evaporated. The heat will "break" the water vapor molecules (H2O) accumulated in the atmosphere. Hydrogen, very light, will escape into space. The oxygen will return the atmosphere very dense and create super storms. The radiation can not escape, the greenhouse effect will increase and the Earth will warm more and faster. Its surface will melt.

Within 7,500 million years, the Sun will have become a red giant. It will have grown so much that it will occupy all of heaven. It will begin to engulf the planets. the death of the Earth will be inevitable, it will melt and become part of the Sun, shortly after, the Sun will also die.


When the Sun cools the Atmosphere condenses and the Earth will be covered with eternal ice.


Another situation that presents, is that the tides modify the speed of rotation of the Earth; Over the course of millions of years, the waves of the tides, moving over the oceans and pressing against the beaches slow down the rotation of the Earth, but this only makes the day increase one thousandth of a second per century.


The decrease in the rotation speed of the Earth also influences the Moon, its circular motion is getting slower and the moon moves further and further away from the Earth and finally disintegrates forming a ring around the Earth.


All of the above is terrifying, but to think that this will happen in billions of years is for us like a fiction film and therefore we feel calm, but today there is a reality, and it is about the climatic changes where the factor more important is the human being, because to a certain extent we are the cause of climatic variations on our planet, if within thousands of millions of years the Earth is on fire or freezes, we do not know exactly, but the truth is that not in very distant times, we could suffer the negative impact of the weather.


robably human beings have been altering Earth's climate. In the mid-nineteenth century, industrialization produced an increase in the use of fossil fuels, which include coal, oil and natural gas; When these fuels burn, they release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, like greenhouse crystals, CO2, absorbs the heat reflected from the surface of the Earth and prevents heat from escaping into space, causing the The temperature of the atmosphere increases.


That is why many scientists, Climatologists and Environmentalists, recommend that people reduce the use of fossil fuels and limit the amount of CO2 that escapes into the atmosphere.

Scientific news on global warming

Increasing global temperatures will accelerate the melting of glaciers and ice sheets and cause early melting glaciers.


  • According to NASA, the polar ice cap is melting at an alarming rate of 9% per decade. The thickness of Arctic ice has decreased by 40% since the 1960s.
  • Arctic sea ice dropped to record levels in September 2007, with almost half a million square miles less than the previous record in September 2005, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Over the last three decades, more than one million square miles of perennial sea ice have disappeared, an area the size of Norway, Denmark and Sweden combined.
  • Multiple climate models indicate that sea ice will replicate more and more as the Earth warms. Scientists at the Center for Atmospheric Research in the United States predict that if the current rate of global warming continues, the Arctic could lose all ice by the summer of 2040. Current warning signs.

The Antarctic glacier the size of Britain is disintegrating and scientists are trying to discover why
A large Antarctic glacier that could collapse in a few decades and cause a rapid rise in sea levels will be the subject of a joint research project between the United Kingdom and the United States. The Thwaites Glacier in Western Antarctica covers 70,000 square miles, an area the size of Great Britain, and is one of the largest in the world. The United Kingdom Environment Research Council (NERC) and the US National Science Foundation UU (NSF) will deploy scientists to investigate what causes ice loss on the glacier and how quickly it could collapse and how that would impact global sea levels.

  • The world sea level has already increased from four to eight inches in the last century, a situation that seems to be accelerating. The IPCC predicts that sea levels could rise from 10 to 23 inches by 2100, but in recent years sea levels have been increasing more than the IPCC predicted.
  • Scientific societies and scientists have published numerous statements and studies that show the overwhelming consensus that global warming is occurring and that human activity is the main cause.
  • New oceanic current discovered off the coast of Madagascar
    April 11, 2018 | Article
    A new ocean current has been discovered off the coast of Madagascar, and could influence the weather patterns of the planet in surprising ways.

Humans, despite being clear about the factors that produce global warming, have continued to carry out activities that cause damage to the environment with the emission of carbon dioxide from vehicles, the burning of fuels by the factories, the felling of trees, the use of aerosols, among others.


Factors that influence Global Warming

  • Changes in the Earth's orbit
  • The temperature of the Sun
  • The eruptions of volcanoes
  • The air pollution
  • Reduction of the ozone layer
  • Pollution produced by aerosols
  • The greenhouse effect (CO₂), which are gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and cause heat from the sun to get trapped in the earth, such as carbon dioxide and methane.

"The life of the Earth is in our hands, we are in time to save it"



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Hi @oscarcede, the truth is that we humans are the ones who have to be aware of this, we are the ones who are accelerating this event more and more, hopefully the world leaders will leave so much chatter and really begin to act in this regard. Thank you for sharing your article, it induces us to be more aware of this problem that affects us all! Regards!!

Hello @, it is true, pollution usually comes from the hands of man, measures are needed a bit more drastic to curb pollutants such as CO2 generated by large factories, it is necessary that programs generate awareness in the population about this situation . regards

Very informative post by lasocia, according to oscarcede i thing it is necessary that programs generate awareness in the population about this situation.

It is very interesting that we do not know too much about anything that was 1 billion years ago.
May be there was a civilization that blew themselves up with powerful weapons.
And if somebody will be here after 1 billion years I doubt they would know about our civilization.