Visit Snag Boat Bend
Located near Peoria, Oregon, USA, this natural area is one of my favorites to visit. I accumulated a group of photos from a small area, just off the side of a Willamette River tributary. The task was to highlight 6 different species and their adaptations to heat and drought. I found 3 plants and 3 animals, all within this small radius, over the weekend of April 21-22nd, 2018.
Medicinal and Nutritional
I never knew how medicinal these plants were, right under my feet! Purple Dead Nettle is actually a part of the mint family. It is related to nettle, but without the detrimental stings. This plant is high in vitamin c and ready to harvest now. Because it blooms in early Spring, it makes for ample grazing animal food.
All photos are my own
**Copyright: Robyn Schreiber (Robyn Eggs) April 27th, 2018. Property of Oregon State University, Rangeland Management. Not for republication or reproduction. Thank you for your cooperation.