in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

The music laughter, colors and aromas induce emotional states that balance the mind and body, ward off diseases and allow to achieve a better quality of life.



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A lot of the conditions have their origin in the brain. And this transmits to the body the stimulus that produces the disease.
The music acts on the nervous system by means of natural vibrations that filter through the mind. Thus, the brain (through various melodies) receives stimuli that allow the relaxation or cancellation of negative emotions that release chemical substances that produce the disease. And at the same time, positive emotions are aroused and substances that improve their functioning are released.
Music therapy uses sounds, musical fragments and rhythmic structures to achieve direct and indirect therapeutic results at these different levels:

1: Psychological

  • Improves learning and increases concentration.
  • Stimulates the faculties of association and enhances the imagination and creativity
  • Influences people by stimulating self-confidence.
  • Contributes to achieving the psychophysical balance of individuals.

2: Organic

  • Increase or decrease the syphilitic secretions.
  • Activates or reduces the circulation of the blood by regulating blood pressure.

3: Psychomotor

  • Optimizes coordination and physical resistance.
  • Exerts effects on metabolism, muscle energy and respiration.

4: Emotional

  • Helps to overcome psychic depressions, relieves insomnia and nervous tension and, above all, allows the patient to reduce their anguish.


In the actulidad, laughter and humor are therapeutic resources that allow overcome physical and psychic ailments. A favorable state of mind affects the immune system. This occurs because it maintains an adequate balance in the metabolism of chemical mediators that act when there is pain, inflammatory processes, allergy and / or aging.
It has been proven that laughter is contagious and that doctors who laugh have better results in their patients than those who have a bad mood.

Laugh, say psychiatrists and encodrinologists:

  • Releases endorphins (a natural analgesic of the human body).
  • Activates the secretion of adrenaline.
  • It causes small facial and respiratory convulsions (up to 400 muscles are mobilized) that stimulate the circulatory and respiratory systems.
  • Increase blood flow to the brain.
  • Prevents stress.
  • Generates positive emotions.
  • Combats the headaches that generate the attitude of excessive self-control.

Aromas and Emotions

The aromas can change the mood and evoke images and memories very distant. If you think of something that makes us happy, the brain produces endorphins (a hormone of happiness) and feels joy. Aromatherapy uses these properties to maintain good health. You can perfume atmospheres with incense, scented candles or with burners of essential oils.


Nowadays, many doctors consider the practice of meditation to be more and more useful, along with diet, balance and physical exercise can improve health, lifestyle and general well-being.
Visualizing light in meditation is a good way to use its energetic properties. For example, meditating in sunlight is very stimulating and can alleviate seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or "winter depression." The use of lights or colored candles can serve to open certain energies. Red, for example, is linked to anger, blue to peace and relaxation, yellow to mental lucidity


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Its publication is very interesting, since our brain helps us through the senses to enjoy different situations, as it is the case of an aroma, it can transport it to a place in a matter of seconds, be it a beautiful moment or not so special. , just like laughter helps us recharge our body of positive energy. And even if you say meditate, it helps us to relax them one hundred percent. Greetings, I loved your publication.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.