Chore Charts For Three-Year-Olds

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

Oh my goodness, I though the Terrible Two's were hard work! We now have a Threenager in the house and boy are we a little "Mr Attitude"! Parenting is definitely not for the weak-hearted and my son, well he's here to test the limits, including the limit on our patience. As much as I love my son's strong will and high-spirit, it's quite a tricky thing to guide and discipline him, without breaking his spirit. So, this week I decided it was time to introduce a Chore Chart, which I hope will not only teach him responsibility, but also help him feel important and in charge, which I have read is important for strong-willed children. 

Introducing Noah's Chore Chart

Spirited children do not like being told what to do, they like the freedom of choice and start to crumble (think temper tantrums) when they feel they do not have control of a situation. Of course, we cannot rely on our three-year-olds to make mature decisions however, so as parents we need to step in and guide the situation by giving them options, which we have put in place. 

Before I put together a chore chart for my son, I asked him to tell me two things that he thinks he should be the "boss" of. His first answer came very quickly "giving Charlie food" he said. Charlie is our dog. I am extremely proud that he wants to care for his dog and take responsibility for this! His second choice needed a a little more prompting and eventually we landed on the topic of getting dressed in the mornings, where he hinted that he should be able to decide what to wear for the day (oh boy!). Luckily this mom knows how to pack the cupboard so that all the preferable clothes are in sight and the rest are hidden at the back for a more appropriate occasion! 

I agreed that he could feed the dog, but that he has to dedicate (promise) to do it every morning and that it is his job now, not just a fun game while it lasts. I also reiterated that if he wants to choose his own clothes he can, but that means we must get dressed without a fuss (which usually entails chasing him around the garden) in the mornings. I then thought of additional chores which are age-appropriate that he could do on a daily basis. 

Brushing teeth with a bit of a sulk!

At first I searched the internet for chore chart templates, but couldn't find anything that was easy enough to edit, so I made my own using Microsoft Word. I separated the chores into things that needed to be done n the morning, under the sun, and in the evenings, under the moon and stars. Apart from feeding the dog and getting dressed in the morning, I added brushing teeth and picking up toys before bedtime. As the months pass, I will add to the list, allowing my son to choose more of his own responsibilities too.

As we do our chores, we add a star next to the ones we have completed for the day. My son loves adding his stars to the chart (and other artwork) and you can see he is very proud of himself. Sometimes I have to encourage him and remind him that he has to do his chores, other times he is the one that reminds me!

Reasons Why Even Preschoolers Should Do Chores:

  • Getting your little ones to help around the house helps them to learn life skills and how to become self-sufficient. 
  • Kids who assist with daily household chores become much better team-players, workmates and eventually life partners. Teach your children how to do chores when they are babes and by the time they are in High School they will be able to cope with the demands more easily.
  • Completing a task makes you feel empowered, and it’s the same our children. I see it in my three-year old, once he completes a chore he radiates with pride and his self-esteem is boosted.
  • Chores help young children learn the concept of “responsibility” and why being responsible is important. At the same time, they start mastering the art of being independent too.

Although the chores on my son's chart are extremely basic at the moment, and brushing teeth for instance shouldn't be a chore but a healthy habit, having them set as chores makes him take them more seriously, it makes him more aware of what is expected from him and what his role (other than just being a kid) is in the home. I believe this practice boosts his self-esteem, helps him to feel more in control of his actions and gives order to our daily routine. It "helps" to keep the peace!

Much love - @sweetpea

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At some point, he'll have a good think and present you with his... Mother's Chore Chart! ;-)

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We totally had a sticker chart that looked similar to that. My Noah struggled with getting his stuff done in a timely manner. Way too many distractions. Lol Beat that we both have a Noah.

Chart looks great and he is adorable. I agree that introducing chores from an early age is very good for their development, it teaches them responsibility. Much love to you and your little guy 💚

Welcome to the THREE'S! They are particularly challenging at this age. Sounds like you've figured out a good way to motivate him to cooperate. I must admit I had a good chuckle picturing you running after him in the garden trying to get him dressed haha.

In fact, many people say that teaching children to some responsibilities from an early age is bad. Still, I believe that the earlier you start properly educating your child, the better for him and the better for the parents, so I agree. I will follow your example and make a chore board for my 6-year-old son, who wants nothing but to play games. It seems to me that motivating the child to do certain tasks around the house is necessary. For example, if he helped you clean the room, you can reward him with some kind of sweetness or thing, then the child will understand that if you do something, you will be rewarded. For more information visit