The importance of instilling positive character education for the students of today

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago  (edited)


Students are studying in the hall (moving class)

Character or character is an inner nature that affects all thoughts, behaviors, manners, and character possessed by humans or other living beings. Source

Character education is a form of human activity in which there is an educational action destined for the next generation. The purpose of character education is to form individual self-improvement and to train oneself in the direction of a better life. Source

Character education is all the power and effort to inculcate and develop positive attitudes of good habits and characters that bring students matured, responsibly and matured systematically. Character education practice can encourage creativity in designing programs or learning activities.


The students are doing gymnastics morning

The importance of inculcating character education to the students of today is due to the very concerns of the current society where the rampant cases of collusion and nepotism corruption (KKN) and all its derivatives, awareness of waste, environmental destruction and others, show how 'social cancer' is attacking our society where sincerity, responsibility, Honesty, trust, courage to defend the truth, the spirit of dedication, and gratitude as the nation's social capital in life almost vanished.

Positive characters can have a positive effect on the achievement (achievement) of academic learners. If each student feels that learning is a personal responsibility to become better, then by itself they will be strongly motivated to learn better.


students are online exams

Plus the people of Indonesia is a religious community who believe the values ​​of religious teachings is a very important foundation for filling the life of nation and state. The teachings of Islam, for example, mentioned in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam that' morality is the foundation of a nation. When the morals of a good nation, the nation will be upright. However, if the morality of a nation is damaged, the life of the nation will be destroyed.

examples of character education embodies that can be done include:

  1. Shaking hands is a form of mutual respect that shows a moral attitude in the realization of character education

  2. In the lessons of sociology, anthropology, they may be able to recognize cultural and ethnic diversity in a plural society

  3. In sports lessons they introduce fairness, fairness, and moral responsibility in competitive situations.

  4. Gathering, to encourage learners to share experiences and views through discussion.

  5. Problem-solving exercises encourage the development of objective thinking and critical thinking skills.

  6. Service learning, such as KKN by students allows learners to train empathy with the feelings of life experienced by others


the students are cleaning up the school yard

Unfortunately, teachers often fail to apply character education to students and fall into administrative traps. The teacher simply puts the characters in the RPP column (lesson plans) rather than creating appropriate scenarios and integrating positive values ​​or characters in the learning process in the classroom.

Reference: Readvokasi Pendidikan Karakter

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