Quantum number identification, description of quantum numbers of different types

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

Quantum number

The number of electrons in the atom, the size of the energy, the formation of the three-dimensional formation and the direction of rotation,


Quantum number is divided into 4 groups

  1. The main quantum number,
  2. Assistant Quantum Number,
  3. Magnetic Quantum Number,
  4. Spin quantum numbers,

1) Main Quantum Numbers
The quantum numerator, with the help of the quantum numerator, can be determined by the quantum number of electrons, which is the quantum number of the electron.
The main quantum number is expressed by n . Such as: n = 1,2,3,4,5 etc.

2) Assistant Quantum Numbers
With the help of quantum numbers, the power level can be determined by the number of assistant quantum numbers.
It is expressed by l . l = 0 ~ (n-1). Assistant quantum numbers are dependent on main quantum numbers.

3) Magnetic Quantum Numbers
The numbers of electrons in the electrons with the help of numbers are expressed as magnetic quantum numbers.
It is expressed by m . m = 0 ~ l

4) Number of quantum spin
on its own axis around ghurnanera direction of the electron spin quantum number is the publisher of the block.
This is expressed by S. s = + , - ,

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The description are vividly clear including the four division or groups of Quantum numbers

thank you so much

Very informative post thank you for sharing:)

Thank You @dreamgirl12