Steemhomework for the week- Technology in the educational field

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago  (edited)
When we talk about technology, especially in the educational field, there are those who only think about the internet and social networks. And we know that the world of technology is a very broad world, certainly today we are surrounded by technological products which requires us to prepare and study to be in many cases used as a user. A separation in the workplace was promoted, those who build or design the technology, and those who use it. In this division, it is said that the people who build them have the knowledge and skills that allow them to perform a task, while users only know how to do the task. That idea of ​​separating knowledge from practice from my point of view seems to me not to be so, whoever does the work with technology needs to know how it was developed to understand how it works. In addition, in doing, it builds knowledge about the process and the product that is important to highlight.

Those of us who use technological products for good living and the development of productive systems, as well as knowing how to use them, we need to know how they work and what their design is based on, in order to make sense of their use, so that we can solve problems, improve , innovate and create processes and resources for technological development.
We can not limit ourselves to using technology blindly just because it is "fashionable" we have to be critical, and take into account its positive and negative aspects, the consequences of its use, in order to improve, innovate and create tasks that lead to improvements at the human.

It seems then that, when talking about technology, we have to think about something more than products and processes, or devices, tools and techniques, we must also include the knowledge and knowledge that supports them and allows their creation.

The theory and practice can not be separated, they must go hand in hand for the development of any activity inside and outside the classroom.

In classes we must emphasize that the technological use is not only social networks, there are infinities of tools that if we study them as they should be and we put them into practice they make our student work better elaborated and even systematized. Use, for example, the good use of the Microsoft Office system, allowing students to develop their work, developing their own creativity and initiative, helping to acquire knowledge not only practical but theoretical, good command management, we do not necessarily need the internet for everything, if we make a dynamic class explaining the basic tools that our computer contains the students would be interested to know more and study their process, with numerous programs that exist until we can teach how to design from elementary or secondary basic aspects that when we arrive at the university we already have a base, about what is really Technology, not only to be in front of a computer but to know me by heart because it works and what I can do with it.



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