RE: Steemit Update [ May 16th, 2022 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 1 - Week 4

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Steemit Update [ May 16th, 2022 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 1 - Week 4

in steemitengagement •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello dear family, many congratulations to all the winners of week #2, I consider it a prize they deserve.

Hey, I have a question:
In the guidelines received before starting the Steemit Engagament Challange they talked about certain requirements to choose the 3 weekly winners.

Weekly Winners:

  • Joined the 7 contests continuously for 7 days
  • The posts should conform to our rules and be rated as high-quality
  • The average number of eligible upvotes on the posts should be ≥ 50, and comments ≥ 10
  • Follow club5050 at least, club75 and club100 are more likely to win
  • Rewards: 3 weekly winners
    - TOP 1: 30% from sc01
    - TOP 2: 25% from sc01
    - TOP 3: 20% from sc01

I loved these guidelines as they motivate users to make an effort.

My doubts:

  • The first thing I saw was that the prize changed, the 3 winners get 30% votes and that's fine. "this one doesn't worry me"

  • Now what does concern me is that the first requirement says Joined the 7 contests continuously for 7 days. And none of these 3 winners have completed it.

In some contest announcements in different communities they mention these requirements "including, Joined the 7 contests continuously for 7 days" Like:


SteemWomen Club

What I see is that the winners did not exceed 5 entries out of the 7 contests in the second week 2 Steemit Engagement.

Winner 1

Winner 2

Winner 3

I really congratulate you, but however this will not make users think that it is not necessary to participate in the 7-7?...

I don't mean to question your decision, I really like the winners, and they are very good users. But, the other users ask me in private, and I don't know what to tell them anymore.

I don't know, if it's just me misunderstanding the requirements and sharing the wrong information.

cc: @steemcurator01

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The nominees to win the challenges are chosen by the communities. These winners come from the nominees who applied from the same communities, so I think that the responsibility of choosing to nominate users who have met the 7 challenges and who meet the required number of votes and comments comes from the communities.

So my suggestion and call is for the communities to choose to nominate users who meet the requirements, including those who have completed the 7 Challenges.

If nobody did it, then someone who has done 6 is chosen, otherwise, among those who have done 5.
But if there are many participants with 7 challenges, then it is up to the communities to start choosing from there and nominate those who meet them.

I congratulate the winners, they are good users.
But we hope that the original spirit of this dynamic is maintained since it is a Challenge. So the call is for the Communities.

You have spoken correctly @inspiracion. I also think this problem is coming from the community not the curators. The various community leaders should endeavor to select only those who have published all the 7 contest across the 7 different communities as their top winners. I don't see a need of selecting someone as a winner who haven't published all articles across the 7-communities

But I think they didn't realize this and hopefully, the various community leaders will look into this next time so as not to commit thesame mistake because I believe a winner most be someone who have participated in all the 7 contest

Thanks so much @saracampero for bringing this up. You have done a great job

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Totalmente valida la pregunta muchos nos estamos esforzando por participar de todos, aún saliendo de nuestra zona de confort porque se supone que es un desafío de compromiso, somos parte de esto, aclaren si no es necesario y ya le bajamos al estres y solo participamos donde estemos cómodos.

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Buena pregunta sara, creo que es bueno aclarar para que las personas no se confundan, quizás el equipo de steemit flexibilizo las reglas esta vez para hacer que las personas estén mas motivadas a realizar mejor contenido que participación.

Ciertamente las reglas estaban clarísimas desde un principio. Sólo los ganadores mensuales pueden prescindir de unos pocos concursos pero debiendo cumplir con la mayoría. Los semanales son los que han de publicar continuamente durante la semana completa que vaya en curso.

Supongo que por cuestiones de mucho trabajo en algunas comunidades no revisaron completamente si los seleccionados estaban cumpliendo con todos los requisitos, aún así es una falla muy notable que hace disminuir el interés en muchas de las participaciones y esto deja ver también el poco valor al esfuerzo de todos los que si se esforzaron por cumplir los 7 retos pese a todo.

No queremos pensar que hay amiguismo en estas decisiones por parte de las comunidades que seleccionaron, esperemos ver cómo se resuelve o se aclara está duda, gracias amiga @saracampero por tomar la iniciativa en pedir una explicación o aclaración del tema.

Me gustaría leer la respuesta de nuestro amigo @steemcurator01

Realmente tienes razón, no es justo para los que vamos al día con el desafío que se tengan en cuenta a personas que no tienen su cantidad de entradas al días.

Las reglas están hechas para cumplirse.

Acá muchos estamos esforzándonos al máximo para cumplir las normas, lo más Justo es que se cumplan las reglas que dieron para poder participar, excelente interrogativa 👍

Esta regla debería ser una de las primeras en evaluarse pues hay personas esforzándose al máximo por cumplir cada uno de los retos, esperemos tener una respuesta oficial cuanto antes; el último mes ha sido de arduo trabajo y realmente es necesario saber si a valido la pena o no

Gracias por estar pendiente de esta condición, saludos

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